今次等我試下用中文打動後感 第二次參加SBC 嘅聚會,心情其實同第一次一樣仍然係有啲緊張,而且當天係我辭職遞信嘅大日子,喺公司傾到差唔多七點先走,所以比預期晏咗到達尖沙咀。上去之前本身諗住喺附近搵間bar 飲番杯先上去,但係到到都好多人,最後都係買外賣上去食就算。喺等緊外賣嘅時候Kush txt 我問我喺邊,😛,多謝Kush 成日都好caring 咁take care 我哋。 上到去好似熟悉但又陌生嘅場地,入到去見到一啲見過嘅面孔,但同時又有好多陌生嘅。由於我好肚餓嘅關係,我無第一時間介紹自己(sorry everyone), 聽到Chucky 主人扮新人同啲newbie 傾計令我忍唔住笑咗。喺我差唔多食完嘅時候,Sirius 就踏入門口,喺呢個時候餐桌上嘅話題not my cup of tea,所以我就去鼓起勇氣去到Sirius 搭訕,佢問我沖咗涼未喎,我話未,佢就問不如一齊沖,梗係好啦。 喺等沖涼嘅時候,我哋討論咗一陣上一次我嘅第一次SBC 經歷,Sirius 好好奇究竟d/s 嘅play 係可以點發生,tbh ,其實真係可以好自然得發生,只要投入角色就可以。one thing lead to the others, 我都唔想講得太詳細,反正我都唔太記得 😂,我淨係記得我經歷咗人生第二次嘅潮吹,事後我有同Sirius 講其實我係有少少preparation, 就係我當日飲咗好多水,google 話有用㗎,果然今次google 無呃我,喺微弱嘅燈光之下,我真係見到啲水噴出嚟,跟住再發生咗啲咩我就留番比自己慢慢回味。 完事之後出番大廳,見到又再加咗啲新面孔,QueenB & Cav were there too. I showed Cav my collar and leash, we were chitchating about my test results on bdsmtest.org. I was wondering around the hall for nothing and suddenly QueenB commanded me to put on the leash and sit next to the dinning table. The rest of the story you guys can read from QueenB’s memories. I’m not going to repeat here. I just want to say I enjoy our play very much. QueenB and Cav, again, I’m glad to be your little one and thanks for this amazing play. After these two intense fun, I need to catch a breath so I went into the dining table gangs and chat. Summer, sad that you need to leave early. next time please stay longer 😘😘 CC, 小雲, Priscilla & Woody, I enjoyed our conversation. SBC 係一個amazing 嘅地方,我哋可以肆無忌憚,暢所欲言咁講自己嘅desires 同fantasies,Priscilla 我同小雲都好期待妳下次玩bondage,我哋要做頭排觀眾。 Last but not least,當大部人離去嘅時候,我見到Chucky 主人自己一個坐喺梳化㩒電話,呢啲機會我當然唔可以放過,coz I need to finish our unfinished business. 當我開始flirt Chucky 主人嘅時候,比Mimi 主人見到我哋,我哋梗係比佢加入啦,喺呢個時候餐桌上嘅你哋可能好想睇戲,仲熄埋燈㖭,但其實咁樣我係好唔自在,好彩Chucky 主人同Mimi 主人都lead 得好好,慢慢地我就入咗去個zone。不過,戲肉都係留番比我哋三個入房後繼續。Guys, next time if you want to join, please ask. Not just sit there and stare at us. We are not doing a AV scenes there. 最後最後,好想借呢個機會話比大家知,其實BDSM呢個spectrum 入面唔係淨係SM, 而我係就偏偏係最唔鍾意SM, 所以下次你哋見到我帶起咗collar & leash, don’t assume that I like physical abuse. 如果你哋想知多啲,我好願意同你哋share。Let’s have fun dear xoxo