都唔知點開始呢個動後,因為technically 我今次都無"動"過 lol
一如既往,好感謝 @kush 嘅落力安排,我知道你為咗呢個活動花咗好多嘅心機,雖然效果不似預期,但我見大家都好enjoy 前半同後半part,我諗咁已經好足夠啦,同埋有時缺陷美咪仲深刻。
雖然今次我只係留咗喺venue 幾個鐘,但享受過咁靚嘅環境都已經好滿足。我其實都唔知再可以寫咩好,upload 張相上嚟掃下存在感算啦。
都唔知點開始呢個動後,因為technically 我今次都無"動"過 lol
一如既往,好感謝 @kush 嘅落力安排,我知道你為咗呢個活動花咗好多嘅心機,雖然效果不似預期,但我見大家都好enjoy 前半同後半part,我諗咁已經好足夠啦,同埋有時缺陷美咪仲深刻。
雖然今次我只係留咗喺venue 幾個鐘,但享受過咁靚嘅環境都已經好滿足。我其實都唔知再可以寫咩好,upload 張相上嚟掃下存在感算啦。
喺新app 嘅第一個動後感,應該點開始好呢、應該用咩角度去寫呢。但其實會唔會諗得太多,不如好純綷咁寫低感受好讓自己回味。
Issac,多謝你一開始嘅陪伴,you've helped to eased my gloomy mood, and thanks again of your pickup line lol 你今次真係帶咗我去一個危險嘅地方。我估唔到居然你會主動 Dom 我,that's a big surprise! 雖然我哋嘅互動中唔係有好多bdsm element, but you know me well. 我享受被征服同被支配嘅感覺 which you did very well. I'm sure you can feel how exciting I was. 希望之後會同你explore 更多可能性
Ham, I didn't expect to go into the room that fast after my 1st round but how can I say no to a hottie like you. What a wonderful interaction we had, and your every single movement on me. Sorry that I didn't accept your invite for our 2nd round but let's keep our lust flow and do that next time. Also, thanks for protecting me xoxox
Kyle, I don't know why. Although it was only the 2nd time I meet you, but I feel like you are like my long lost frd. 多謝你嘅聆聽,多謝你嘅擁抱,多謝你嘅安慰。房內嘅互動,多得你感受到我對你嘅信任、我嘅反差 lol I only let my guard down to ppl I really trust and worthy of it 期望下次會見到你嘅六種性格嘅另外五種.
Kush, again and again and again. 每一次都要多謝你嘅安排,好似我今次嘅動後標題一樣,SBC 係我嘅避風港,全靠你嘅堅持,我先可以咁放心喺呢度避風,因為呢度有我信任嘅人。
Lawrence, Thanks for bringing the supper. glad to know you are feeling better, keep it up dear.
Priscilla & 03, didn't have much chance to talk to you both but after reading P's post. I'm sure you two had so much fun. Please share with me more next time.
Summer, it's always good to see you, you looks stunning on your lingerie. thanks for your comforting words. we will both be fine xoxo
Janice & Jennifer, 我下次會識say no 㗎啦,I have to learn from you gals
Victoria & Mimi, don't have much chance to talk to you two this time. let's catch up more next time
Chukcy主人,glad to see that you are feeling better finally. I'm looking forward to our next encounter
Last but not least, SBC is a sex party, but it's always way more than a sex party. love you all
@kai 當我當webapp 咁用嘅時候,如果click thread 入面嘅圖就back 唔番上一頁,我估係因為用browser 開嘅時候, click 圖係開new tab
@kai bae, it's about the people but not about the name right?
係喎,唔記得咗有@ 呢個function, 等我下次出post 嗰時用番先