@supermario let’s see lol
@bunny 雖然今次活動我出席唔到
但唔知點解見到你記低同Issac/Kyle 嘅互動,我都覺得自己當晚在場咁啊~多謝你啊~
@janice Help you explore when we meet
@supermario Ermmmmmm good question I don’t know lol
@janice How about you? How many personalities you've got hahaha
@bunny 長文 but I read it all ga
Good that you've found your haven here -
@bunny Awww I saw my name~
So he told you about 6個人格
Which one he showed you??
Even I haven’t seen all 6,
佢話當中有幾種就係唔會對住我用 -
@kai bae, it's about the people but not about the name right?
係喎,唔記得咗有@ 呢個function, 等我下次出post 嗰時用番先
@bunny 第一個黎支持新嘅開始的第一篇!