@mimi 我坐定都第一時間問你來唔來喇🥲
@francesca 我都期待你快撚啲進入番狀態,上次無緣見到你,好掛住大奶奶
@francesca 等你啊。其實唔係勞役,係我嘅榮幸就真!
@francesca 好開心認識你 又好樂意分享好多你嘅嘢 長知識 多謝
@francesca 其實我都望住你㗎
你知道點解的~~~ Kyle 要喊了哈哈
@mini 有時啲嘢就好似“跌嘢唔好揾”嘅道理,太刻意尋找換嚟可能只有煩惱同埋會離目標更遠
Just let it flow and you will see the flow. Or may be you already in the flow but you don't know.
不知籚山真面目,只緣身在此山中 -
@summer thank you for your song n sweet words
️ Have a good night.
@summer the universe has it own way, we are too weak n stupid and it’s our job to work hard on all subjects to be closer to its beauty n flow.
Once you achieve it, let the universe guide you
Time will tell what you have to do next.
Just go with the flow and one day you will know what to do next. -
@summer to achieve something means you lose it at the same time. I never care what I have done. I am more concern what I have to do next. And I should become.
Life is about love
If you haven’t found the beauty of it just because you haven’t met me yetGod never gives us more than we can handle. I am sure the pain is just a process and only lasts temporarily.
You will become stronger after getting over with the pain
Just suck it in! After this, you will be proud of what you have achieved
@mini 噢...睇嚟有啲故事喎,希望遲啲可以同你當面傾吓偈交流吓
@kccheung 舊日記同信我燒晒
Things happened for a reason - I have been disappearing for awhile. Somehow I bumped into you when you feel blue
Let’s look at the bright side of life.
(Do you want me to sing it out loud to make you feel better :p) -
@mini 其實又唔洗delete晒嘅,我先幾日執屋,睇番之前寫嘅日記,有啲都寫得鬼5馬6,但係睇番又覺得幾得意,啲回憶番晒嚟。對於記性麻麻嘅我嚟講,文字同影像嘅記錄好幫到我回味過去,無論係開心定唔開心嘅事都係。當若干年後睇番又會歷久常新,然後一笑置之
Dim ah, Miss. P️
@summer 謝謝你半夜和我談。Derek Parfit, "Reasons and Persons" 一書很難看完,其實我應該更用功。實在太多書未完讀完。必須加油。
@summer life is more about suffering and pain. If I have a better understanding of them, they will show the beauty and the depth of a bigger world. And I could find my vision. The vision to become a “real person”.
英文不能寫太好,最近寫中文太多,英文要再補習。 -
Please don’t
Life isn’t about how you survive the storm, it’s about how you dance in the rain
Don’t let one negative thing make you forget all the other happiness you have ,,,, ya?!
Cheer up!!