@Janice 好開心認識到你,希望下次有機會相處更多,或者一齊玩,其實我都喜歡多P的組合,因為我實在有啲水皮,要同啲經驗豐富的人合作一下 ️
mini 發佈的最佳貼文
RE: Janice - 我總算出動後啦!
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@francesca 多謝邀請,其實我之前試過的都係2女1男的。不過那些機會都好意外,其中一個係最好的朋友。
另一次,屋外下着大雪,晚上他播着他新作的樂曲,我們沐浴在低沉而深入體內的音頻和輕柔身體觸摸之中,像一場身膚的演出,而不是性,那是一個溫柔的晚上。 -
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@summer 謝謝你半夜和我談。Derek Parfit, "Reasons and Persons" 一書很難看完,其實我應該更用功。實在太多書未完讀完。必須加油。
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@summer life is more about suffering and pain. If I have a better understanding of them, they will show the beauty and the depth of a bigger world. And I could find my vision. The vision to become a “real person”.
英文不能寫太好,最近寫中文太多,英文要再補習。 -
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@summer to achieve something means you lose it at the same time. I never care what I have done. I am more concern what I have to do next. And I should become.
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@summer the universe has it own way, we are too weak n stupid and it’s our job to work hard on all subjects to be closer to its beauty n flow.
mini 發佈的最新貼文
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@summer the universe has it own way, we are too weak n stupid and it’s our job to work hard on all subjects to be closer to its beauty n flow.
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@summer to achieve something means you lose it at the same time. I never care what I have done. I am more concern what I have to do next. And I should become.
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@summer 謝謝你半夜和我談。Derek Parfit, "Reasons and Persons" 一書很難看完,其實我應該更用功。實在太多書未完讀完。必須加油。
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@summer life is more about suffering and pain. If I have a better understanding of them, they will show the beauty and the depth of a bigger world. And I could find my vision. The vision to become a “real person”.