@priscilla It’s so hard to describe in words, lemme try to tell u next time when I see u
我雖然未見過Bunny, 但睇完文都知你真心鐘意呢個"私密"時間。
希望有機會見到你。 -
@bunny I feel bad we didnt talk much last time, and I wanna have a full report between you and Isaac!!!!! LOL
and glad that you found yourself at SBC, I am still finding...
I wanna explore MORE..., and know where my limit is. haha -
@ccl888 唔好咁留意我啦
人少d整爛左都唔覺眼 -
@kai 見你咁夜仲online, 汁緊code?
@kai 原來個名係咁黎嘅!
@summer I haven’t receive it yet, should get it over the weekend
The feeling is mutual xoxo
I am demanding a chitchat time with you and P!!
Btw how’s the perfume smell like? Is it good?
You got it yet? -
@kush 有啲嘢係值得堅持嘅
I’ll always be there -
Dear, 雖然呢份堅持看似有點無謂和固執, 但為了大家, 覺得正確便理應光明正大!藉此感謝大家方方面的努力, SBC終於有了自由的一片天, 期待大家繼續性福滿滿, 更多的回憶
@ccl888 笑多d啦
黎呢度尋歡架嘛 -
@kai 我頂,唔爭氣笑左
點解咁寫係 之前聽左個潮文
: -
@kai 冇咁既意思我都係做IT (sales, 唔識寫)
respect -
你咁樣講出黎我覺得 我好似搞左個爛gag咁係阿 其實我真係食字架咋
@kai 多口一問, 點解係賣衫部既 ?
因為IT group玩食字 ? -
@bunny 呢D時侯最無奈, 通常我都會走先.... lol
@bunny 等 寂寞到夜深 🥺
@kai 加油呀bb
我係放左工仲係度努力緊既 賣衫部同事