當P 遇上Q = PMQ
呢個組合都唔係多見過. 通常都係 P 有佢自己玩,Q又有佢自己玩. 不過我覺得我地有d similar應該夾得黎既.今晚黎到唔多有feel想玩所以都係黎鄧下腳咁. 買左d外賣上黎食. 向廳到同其他人吹下水. U仔把嘴越黎越爛d爛gag開始follow唔到. 無啦啦突句"I take the bus to work" (唔記得係咪呢句...something like that). 無啦啦又講Blue Pill 又話 dip in Whiskey 會有幫助, 搞到以為你真係認真想落街買黎試.
Hmmm. 今晚真係唔多想玩, 唔知點guy 呢.
唯有繼續食野. 有糖果幫我煮餃子好好味道啊謝謝妳。
無啦啦又變左我同P一齊沖涼.. 嗯都ok. As long 妳唔係向我沖涼時去PooPoo就得啦. 同你一齊時都覺得幾溫馨. 妳份人都幾甜架wor.
係時候試下FF啦. 不過妳既FF同我既FF有些少唔同. But it's ok! Give it a go anyway. 認識下妳d敏感部位都幾刺激.It's quite interesting and satisfying to know that I have the ability to make you climax. The more I vibrate the more excited I got but the less concentrated I was on myself. W is right , I tend to lose focus in certain situations. This is one of the few. Tonight was not about me . I was not in the mood to "play" , so I shifted my attention the the two.
Laying next to W as we watch P perform oral was quite something. That perspective is quite hot , if only I could also feel what W feels , wouldn't that be awesome ?
Next , I shifted my point of view to P's. Woody working his way down to her sensitive spot, hmmmm I don't know how i felt . Just different . I kept playing with P's nipples , trying to give her some pain... But I guess I was too rough.I don't get to watch many members in action, tonight I got the full VIP treatment. Woody thrusting Priscilla hard in the missionary position and all I could hear was Priscilla saying so tight so bloated.
Mm. Something was missing . I don't know what it was , but I just felt something was missing. The whole experience was intriguing , even just being the spectator but just lacking something.
Happy 2017 everyone and Chinese New Years is coming soon... It will be a crazy year of the Rooster !Ps. 有時無講出口,我都感覺到,知道的~ We cuddled and some birds were carrying buckets~
(Hmmmm, still trying to decode)本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 01:58 移動
QueenB 發表於 2017-1-17 20:35
How am I suppose to operate without my partner in crime leh ????
Guess I'll lay low for a while ...
LOL.....really? -
Dr. 發表於 2017-1-17 12:37
How am I suppose to operate without my partner in crime leh ????
Guess I'll lay low for a while -
QueenB 發表於 2017-1-17 01:13
My heart continues to look for new experience Dr
Where's my partner in crime eh ?
犯罪要坐監架! -
Priscilla 發表於 2017-1-17 00:13
I was not planning for a FF too. Just get to be mo Liu sometimes. And wanna try something new.
Yea ...
Continue to explore P! -
woody 發表於 2017-1-15 23:56
I've told you that I dreamed about birds carrying buckets arrr
Dr. 發表於 2017-1-16 00:22
Being an explorer is good. A lot of people simply stop exploring.......and that goes for me as well. ...
My heart continues to look for new experience Dr
Where's my partner in crime eh ? -
I was not planning for a FF too. Just get to be mo Liu sometimes. And wanna try something new.
Yea. 同你一齊巧開心 你個人好有親切感 -3- -
C.C. 發表於 2017-1-16 11:42
U仔好似係話:I go to school by bus
Something like that la
Haah -
C.C. 發表於 2017-1-16 12:12
竟然唔係佢碌野突出! -
Dr. 發表於 2017-1-16 12:02
呢句太突出喇,好難忘記囉 -
C.C. 發表於 2017-1-16 11:42
U仔好似係話:I go to school by bus
突然咁好記性? -
U仔好似係話:I go to school by bus
Being an explorer is good. A lot of people simply stop exploring.......and that goes for me as well. When you find a comfort zone or too stress out, you just become a lazy pig.
I think a part of my playful self has gone missing. 有時好似厭食咁,食得太多好野,食到麻木左,跟住覺得食咩都無胃口咁,不過好彩既係,呢種感覺唔會持續咁發生,否則就好大鑊!所以我諗有時sex方面都係差不多,當你去探索去嘗試唔同既野既同時,有時都會硬係唔多得心應手咁,過一排又無事架啦。至於你覺得something was missing,好可能係大家未溝通好,大家期望唔一樣,無晒direction咁囉!
But it's good that you still have a heart for exploring the unknown!
本帖最後由 woody 於 2017-1-16 00:15 編輯
I know what you had been missed! It's .....
I've told you that I dreamed about birds carrying buckets arrr