Dr. 發表於 2017-1-17 12:37
How am I suppose to operate without my partner in crime leh ????
Guess I'll lay low for a while -
QueenB 發表於 2017-1-17 01:13
My heart continues to look for new experience Dr
Where's my partner in crime eh ?
犯罪要坐監架! -
Priscilla 發表於 2017-1-17 00:13
I was not planning for a FF too. Just get to be mo Liu sometimes. And wanna try something new.
Yea ...
Continue to explore P! -
woody 發表於 2017-1-15 23:56
I've told you that I dreamed about birds carrying buckets arrr
Dr. 發表於 2017-1-16 00:22
Being an explorer is good. A lot of people simply stop exploring.......and that goes for me as well. ...
My heart continues to look for new experience Dr
Where's my partner in crime eh ? -
I was not planning for a FF too. Just get to be mo Liu sometimes. And wanna try something new.
Yea. 同你一齊巧開心 你個人好有親切感 -3- -
C.C. 發表於 2017-1-16 11:42
U仔好似係話:I go to school by bus
Something like that la
Haah -
C.C. 發表於 2017-1-16 12:12
竟然唔係佢碌野突出! -
Dr. 發表於 2017-1-16 12:02
呢句太突出喇,好難忘記囉 -
C.C. 發表於 2017-1-16 11:42
U仔好似係話:I go to school by bus
突然咁好記性? -
U仔好似係話:I go to school by bus
Being an explorer is good. A lot of people simply stop exploring.......and that goes for me as well. When you find a comfort zone or too stress out, you just become a lazy pig.
I think a part of my playful self has gone missing. 有時好似厭食咁,食得太多好野,食到麻木左,跟住覺得食咩都無胃口咁,不過好彩既係,呢種感覺唔會持續咁發生,否則就好大鑊!所以我諗有時sex方面都係差不多,當你去探索去嘗試唔同既野既同時,有時都會硬係唔多得心應手咁,過一排又無事架啦。至於你覺得something was missing,好可能係大家未溝通好,大家期望唔一樣,無晒direction咁囉!
But it's good that you still have a heart for exploring the unknown!
本帖最後由 woody 於 2017-1-16 00:15 編輯
I know what you had been missed! It's .....
I've told you that I dreamed about birds carrying buckets arrr