queen b 我地都好掛住你呀∼一心諗住見到你
by the way, 你d中文好左wor
wc306 發佈的最新貼文
RE: 動後感~
feeling 發表於 2013-11-21 07:53
係呀, 佢好慘呀來唔到. "好好慰勞下佢" 當然有啦~ 仲慰勞左好幾日TIM~攪到佢依家仲攰過之前. , 慘!! -
RE: 動後感~
本帖最後由 wc306 於 2013-11-21 11:01 編輯
brother 發表於 2013-11-21 01:49
你唔好成日叫我女神啦, 到我依家日日俾人拜啦!
你既正骨服務咁正, 我仲會幫手推薦俾其他女會員TIM~ -
RE: 動後感~
QueenB 發表於 2013-11-20 20:44
Support ur post Wendy
It is not100% perfect... Seems like there's something missing stil
唔知係 ...
YOU! you are the thing missed!!as u said, sometimes being a spectator is quite good ga~ there is a lot of fun seeing others enjoying themselves~
i am ok to be a 配角~! i will embarrass under spot light! unless i am really turned on ~ hehe
Queen B you are the best~ love u!
RE: 動後感~
Shiba 發表於 2013-11-20 20:25
其實段溫馨野(唔係肉麻)主要唔係俾max睇既, 係俾你地大家睇, 想凍死你地既~
你好似唔鐘意著衫架wor, 俾個靚仔攬住你先得~ -
RE: 動後感~
Dr. 發表於 2013-11-20 17:50
個場地好就好,但係set場set死人囉,我三個人set都set成兩個鐘!!!仲要清場呢,我基本上無訓..........{ ...
係呀, 其其話3點就已經去set 左場啦, 跟住你又冇得訓清場, 真係辛苦哂 , 下次我都來幫手! -
RE: 動後感~
woody 發表於 2013-11-20 17:41
真係好得意,肉麻嘢成日都用英文寫,好似會自然啲咁樣~~~ Sweet and lum~~
係呀, 肉麻野係用non-mother language 寫更加LUM既~ 如果我識其他文就用其他文寫~