@cc of course remember! Must remember ^^

ava 發佈的貼文
RE: 第一次的感想
@hello yep! Hope to have more interactions together and perhaps sing some K haha!
Firstly need to thank @kush for helping to organise everything and overall ensuring that a great atmosphere was present. Didn’t know what to expect at the begining but surely the experience exceeded all expectations. Not only can we openly discuss topics of desire but we were able to merrily drink to a wonderful view and discuss sophisticated topics with many fantastic people including gyming, daily life, food and everything fun!
@iambob Thank you for drinking with me and dude you are super handsome haha
@Sirius thank you for updating me about the Hong Kong scene and generally being super friendly
@Ham hope to get to know you more next time and thank you setting such a wonderful scene
@linlin You are super cute(especially when you sleep hehe), super bubbly hope to share more experiences and play more moving forward!
@CC sorry I didn’t get to talk to you very much but thank you for lending me your lighter and hope to speak to more next time
@啊妹 hope you didn’t get too ill that night and hope to see you more nd hopefully more at the next party!Thank you to everybody overall and sorry if I didn’t mention you but hope to get to know everyone more and mingle further at future events!
See you next time!