Feeling 哥,Great !寫得 detail 內容又豐富呢! I like it Thanks!唔同人寫有唔同嘅情節,可以補上其他人嘅空隙,咁成個活動所發生嘅嘢都完滿咁,多謝大家嘅付出~~
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-28 06:48
Pal, the party was a rush. Didn't really have time to prepare....see the name tags were hand-written ...
Dr,我覺得要集合多d會員意見罰果個人 -
不過果刻既feeling 無左國皇遊戲既影子,
變左國皇.....我都幾like -
Pal, the party was a rush. Didn't really have time to prepare....see the name tags were hand-written on the spot.Anyway, happy birthday man! 下次全體補返個kiss俾你!
見QueenB唔玩得,陪佢傾下計之際,見你同inno響梳化依依泣泣無地方玩,至叫你過黎咋(其實我地想睇戲)。後尾見到Max & Wendy又無地方落腳,咪叫埋過黎囉,最後連Charles都過埋黎,可惜Wendy唔受力,Charles至無奈起返身。講開Charles,原本有人請纓帶住佢,可惜有人成晚掛住自己玩,唉~~~
Yay, finally the first to reply
Feeling seems like u have overcome your obstacles this time. Take it one step at a time lor. You'll eventually get used to playing with people around he he.
I'm glad we got a bit closer this time . I had a great time chatting with you n Wendy n Max that night as well.You sure it was QueenB that "meet" your nipples lol . ????
Btw, Dun be disappointed that There was no surprise that night. He was prolly too busy to check,