wc306 發表於 2013-9-28 13:39
i thought u two were close already before the chat , cos u two look so natural hugging each other, ...
Btw! Fai d write your report dear! -
wc306 發表於 2013-9-28 13:39
i thought u two were close already before the chat , cos u two look so natural hugging each other, ...
Lol no.. This is I think the 3rd time I've seen him. For the last two time we rarely chat.
This time was a big step lor haha
Feeling is really comfortable to be around with -
wc306 發表於 2013-9-28 13:41
iya, charlies 既落點太diu轉啦,我真係會腳斷架
lt's Charles, not Charlies. 佢會好傷心架! -
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-28 06:48
Pal, the party was a rush. Didn't really have time to prepare....see the name tags were hand-written ...
iya, charlies 既落點太diu轉啦,我真係會腳斷架 -
QueenB 發表於 2013-9-28 05:25
Yay, finally the first to replyi thought u two were close already before the chat , cos u two look so natural hugging each other, n u look so relaxing in his arms!
feeling原來我俾你既印象係咁難接近架, 真傷心… 我明明覺得自己都好平易近人… 有時…
你行出第一步好叻呀~ 唔同場合環境既性愛有唔同感覺, 人生要試多d野先有樂趣架!加油!
4人之 chit chat 時間好開心,你既存在係令人覺得好舒服,一d 壓迫感都冇,第一次咁樣同你傾計就咁好傾, 下次再續:)
feeling 發表於 2013-9-28 11:44
thanks dear, I'm glad to get closer with you, too
But the gal who "meet" me was not you? so ...
Haha hai wor...Then maybe it was really me
我今次對你既印象又深刻左la.Next time I will drag you into the room
feeling 發表於 2013-9-28 11:54
系咩, 錫啖先
比我搣番下先啦 -
feeling 發表於 2013-9-28 12:02
系啊, 有時真系唔試唔知
大家咁話,我地第一次見你都覺得你幾nice好有印象架啦,不過我同你都係比較靜嘅人,呢d真係要機緣巧合先得 -
feeling 發表於 2013-9-28 11:44
thanks dear, I'm glad to get closer with you, too
But the gal who "meet" me was not you? so ...
Haha hai wor...Then maybe it was really me
我今次對你既印象又深刻左la.Next time I will drag you into the room
ms306 發表於 2013-9-28 11:55
feeling, nice chat with you, 傾到大家有晒feeling呀~ 係咪發現我地都唔難接近呢~
系啊, 有時真系唔試唔知 -
woody 發表於 2013-9-28 10:01
Feeling 哥,Great !寫得 detail 內容又豐富呢! I like it Thanks!唔同人寫有唔同嘅情節,可以補上 ...
搣 lin, 我feel到差d甩左 -
feeling, nice chat with you, 傾到大家有晒feeling呀~ 係咪發現我地都唔難接近呢~
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-28 09:31
不過果刻既feeling 無左國皇遊戲既影子,
變左國皇.....我都幾like{:15_ ...
系咩, 錫啖先 -
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-28 06:48
Pal, the party was a rush. Didn't really have time to prepare....see the name tags were hand-written ...
全體補返個kiss俾我甘好~ 男仔果份女仔代勞得架啦 -
QueenB 發表於 2013-9-28 05:25
Yay, finally the first to reply
thanks dear, I'm glad to get closer with you, too
But the gal who "meet" me was not you? so why do you know it was nipple? I didn't say that -
Feeling 哥,Great !寫得 detail 內容又豐富呢! I like it Thanks!唔同人寫有唔同嘅情節,可以補上其他人嘅空隙,咁成個活動所發生嘅嘢都完滿咁,多謝大家嘅付出~~
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-28 06:48
Pal, the party was a rush. Didn't really have time to prepare....see the name tags were hand-written ...
Dr,我覺得要集合多d會員意見罰果個人 -
不過果刻既feeling 無左國皇遊戲既影子,
變左國皇.....我都幾like -
Pal, the party was a rush. Didn't really have time to prepare....see the name tags were hand-written on the spot.Anyway, happy birthday man! 下次全體補返個kiss俾你!
見QueenB唔玩得,陪佢傾下計之際,見你同inno響梳化依依泣泣無地方玩,至叫你過黎咋(其實我地想睇戲)。後尾見到Max & Wendy又無地方落腳,咪叫埋過黎囉,最後連Charles都過埋黎,可惜Wendy唔受力,Charles至無奈起返身。講開Charles,原本有人請纓帶住佢,可惜有人成晚掛住自己玩,唉~~~