Thanks for giving me some peaceful moment
無見一陣, 今次的CC, mentally not really alright同時physically其實都係唔太適合太激烈的運動。Still here is just because I need, I need something to cheer me up – a satisfied sex could help, I am sure.
Dr., thank you for inviting again, I do appreciate it.Arrived the venue, nice place, nice view with nice “gals”. 無錯, 係all girls except Dr.囉。咁開心, Dr. 真係打算一對xx!?勁!!!
After awhile, saw a guy arrived la...he invited me to have showered together and then we couldn’t wait and started to have some intimate talk until introduced the new member (Charles) to each others.
And then......hugging, kissing & chatting...and finally he holds me on his arm and went to the room to continuous our talk and........we kept playing/chatting, playing/chatting and playing...
He is the one who can give me the sense of security and... He can make me fully sensitive no matter which part of my body...well, he is not the only one but a tiny minority in fact la.
Thanks for giving me some positive energy and sorry for can’t let you 放水 this time la, the reason you should know la. Regarding for your “想”, I wanna tell you, you should have some more warm up with me next time shame. Or else, maybe we can do it... kakaka
Back to the living room...我做過d乜?完全無印象!好似見到大家play game... But I back to the bedroom with other guy in a minute la.
This guy, 我無話可說啦。First met 既時候已經知道我既喜好, can’t imagine...only few time, he seems know everything... 竟然可以做到少數既其一。Really a big surprise, but not enough to let me say “surrender” lor. 但其實你講出你既做法既時候, 我先至知道咁sensitive既真正原因囉。So, thanks for let me know more about myself la.
Back with the first guy with some more peaceful moment and gained more +ve energy.
Continuous with the guy who found the method to get chance to KO me for Part 2...
End up, Part 2變左chit chat, sorry...CC已經熄左機lu, please catch the “right timing” next time. Hehehe....anyway, besides sex...其實CC好enjoy同大家chatting and sharing的...Time flies, almost 1 or 2am!? Time to think go home or stay as there is much more convenience for my early report duty, can’t make decision but keep chatting with the “magic man” and my “sweet girl” to share more and more.
At the last moment... I set my alarm clock with the "muscular guy" before entered the bedroom. We are going to sleep? I am not sure...
And other beautiful girl dropped by and we started a “MFF” for awhile...
Sorry, I have tried several times to overcome... but somehow I couldn’t, coz I am not much good at this and had some bad experience before.So, 我唔係整醒人地little brother, 然後又話走囉.... I am not that cruel lor.
I just mean I leave the room and prefer to back to living room only.After back to living room, checked my phone and replied all the necessary messages... Couldn’t insist anymore, I though I passed away within 3 minutes...
ZzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ....felt like someone holds me tightly for whole night....
Oops...好似只係過左一陣, alarm clock alert~~~
Um... how come I couldn’t move!? 原來the “muscular guy” still holding me tightly.
Time to awake la, found something just besides me which is good for “breakfast” – sausage & eggs... can’t tolerate but to eat la, so hungry~~ Finally I got my “full set breakfast” from that guy, delicious~~
After a rich breakfast, I got my energy back to kill my troublesome. Therefore, thanks again for all of you.
PS: please forgive I skipped all the details this time coz CC is really messy at the moment.
Love all,
CC -
QueenB 發表於 2013-9-27 09:45
Not really
What is best then? -
QueenB 發表於 2013-9-27 09:39
Really eh?
then I must be bad not to figure out who everyone was
To be fair, for people who weren't there, the only one that is obvious to most is the "muscular guy".
So you are ok, "sweet girl"!!! -
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-27 09:44
Isn't it the best description for our category? Hehehe....
Not really -
C.C. 發表於 2013-9-27 09:04
Isn't it the best description for our category? Hehehe.... -
C.C. 發表於 2013-9-27 08:24
Yes, hahaha...
They're all nickname ga!but I'm sure I know who "sweet girl" is.... She must've been very very sweet
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-27 06:46
I did use some time to figure out too....
But I am sure I can get it all right
Really eh?
then I must be bad not to figure out who everyone was -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-27 09:09
怕左你啦... -
C.C. 發表於 2013-9-27 09:02
戰地記者 -
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-27 08:51
As long as everyone enjoys each other's company. 我地作為大型生活服務類活動既節目,好樂意見到你出席! ...
我都好開心可以出席嫁 -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-27 08:45
哈,實地記錄 -
As long as everyone enjoys each other's company. 我地作為大型生活服務類活動既節目,好樂意見到你出席!
C.C. 發表於 2013-9-27 08:26
最多我觀戰曬你全日幫你寫啦 -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-27 06:46
I did use some time to figure out too....
But I am sure I can get it all right
你咁醒,一定估到啦 -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-27 06:43
Wah....以我打字既速度,唔使諗都要打足三個鐘喎... -
QueenB 發表於 2013-9-27 06:34
That's a very undetailed detailed report
Yes, hahaha...
我只係寫少左三個名咋 -
QueenB 發表於 2013-9-27 06:34
That's a very undetailed detailed report
I did use some time to figure out too....
But I am sure I can get it all right -
C.C. 發表於 2013-9-27 00:57
如果你真係想既話....其實...我可以寫得好白, 好detai ...
我一定睇寫啦! -
That's a very undetailed detailed report
想點?I can only figure out ,.... Maybe like 3 ppl haha.
Klozero 發表於 2013-9-27 01:02
不過, 多謝你....我無辦法想像, 你點可以咁短時間就知道曬人地.......囉..