本帖最後由 woody 於 2013-9-15 07:46 編輯
[/quote][quote]WahThere's jus something about your writing that I admire.
Good job!
Hope to c u again next time ar
謝謝 QB ,估唔到妳識下晒咁多中文字喎,也估唔到妳眼睛也會笑添~ It's really nice meeting you. Hope we'll have the time to know each other more next time
welcome and nice to meet you...
hope you enjoy every moment in the party.
C.C., Nice meeting you too. You look reallllllllllllll hot in the uniform! Realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll hot! 像妳咁 cheerful 嘅女孩子穿上咁 sexy 嘅服裝,真係一種令人開心地窒息嘅高級殺人手法,我會叫警方留意的 wakakaka無野係會太遲既∼ glad you enjoy the party~~ be more active in the party, 咪可以搵返 those things you missed out in the past 咯∼ BTW, glad to meet you in person finally~ you are attractive as your writting~
哈哈,對,文字也有種奇特的吸引力的 but you look more attractive in the one piece black dress than your writing~!去了解人其實了解了自己,我猜妳會有一點領悟,「平靜的海 仍充滿熱情暗浪」,下次妳要告訴我妳的歷程啊
無野係會太遲既∼ glad you enjoy the party~~ be more active in the party, 咪可以搵返 those things you missed out in the past 咯∼ BTW, glad to meet you in person finally~ you are attractive as your writting~
welcome and nice to meet you...
hope you enjoy every moment in the party. -
WahThere's jus something about your writing that I admire.
Good job!
Hope to c u again next time ar -
1st to reply!
Although I haven't read it yet!