QueenB [LETS GET WET]- Last Chapter
Chapter 6- "Who gave in"?
Time for some card games.歡樂Card. Dr,Mimi,big eye,Ulrich and I. Dr and I drank the most alcohol in a small period of time since we kept losing. Blood rush throughout my body in matter of minutes. I was as red as an apple. For Mimi punishment, kiss her anywhere we want. Now I know where her weak spot is. Such an adorable gal.
Next , we took the game one step up. "Spanking"!! I think Ulrich had it the hardest. Both of his butt cheeks were glowing red. Haha.... As a matter of fact, I'm sure everyone loved the spanking. Gives a lil excitement in them. Everyone's hands were hurting already so we took it up another level.
"Meet Leen" game. I think the guys had it bad from me haha. I know it's good right ? Gives you that satisfying numb feeling afterwards . All those screaming, laughing, crying...oh such good times. Such memorable times I gotta say. QueenB haven't laughed that much in a while luuuuu.
Thanks everyone who came to the party"Last game" cried Ulrich, Poor baby, he must have been in real pain both up and under hahahahahahaha. Dr decided to leave us and left Mimi, Big eye, Ulrich and I laying in bed. I snuggled under the blanket with Ulrich and continued our "unfinished business". Who won? LOL.
His warm body against mine. I decided to help massage his poor Leen. Hahahahahahaha .
So the "who will give in" game continues between Ulrich and I, we had it going for quite a long time. I'm quite impressed. I used my teasing abilities to the best of my abilities. Going on forever with my oral skills. Found his moaning and weak spot. YES. Time to kill haha, the more he moans , the more satisfaction I get from it."Ffff....fffff....k" crier Ulrich.
"What? I can't hear you, speak louder" I said
QueenB was turned on instantly haha. Reinforcements are always good. Eventually we got on the 69. Wow. Haven't done this In a while, superb:) multitasking is always a bonus geh. As time goes by, Ulrich finally gave in. YES! Haha. Grabbed the foiled packet, and ready to rumble. In and out, I felt like I was in cloud9. I collected as much coins as I could from him, then it got too steamy that I think we were distracting the couple next to us. Oppppps. I moaned , he moaned, I moaned louder, he moaned even louder. Those long oral action paid off well. KOed. Sign of relief and we both fell to the bed while panting.
What a battle. "Smiles"The infamous snore king dragged himself into the tent and in matter of seconds, he was fast asleep. QueenB went to bed and slept till next morning.
Chapter 7-- next morning
I woke up from the noise of Ulrich and Big eye. Mimi got distracted and went to the other room to continue zzzzz.
2 men "blowing water" while I was laying in bed. I snuggled next to Ulrich trying to steal his body warmth. So relaxing. Touching here and there haha. Then the ghost appeared again. Came over and laid next to me and they were all "blowing water". After a while, woke up and got ready to go for breakfast. Yummmmmm.We came back from breakfast and played our last game in the pool before leaving the venue. We all Skinny dipped. Wow what a scene. Everyone got naked and went into the pool while Mimi and Kelly went for some breakfast. Okay time to play the ball game. Max Wendy zero and I were in 1 team while Ulrich candy Big eye and Dr in one.
Lots of laughter. Lots of freedom. No stress whatsoever. I gotta say this was the best pool party I have ever participated in. Lots and lots of laughter and cries and screams and moans. So much fun. Good memories indeed, thanks everyone who made it happen. Lastly, thanks Dr for arranging it. Your effort was much appreciated. Without you, there would be no QueenB today. Hehe. Love you all. "muah"
-the end-
QueenB. -
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-11 11:41
Salty and wet ?
Mmmmmmmmmmm doesn't sound appealing at all. -
QueenB 發表於 2013-9-10 20:08
Exactly ...
Always appear out of no where ....
That's why you are a Ghost
好啦,做隻咸濕鬼啦!!! -
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-10 11:08
我估係因為話我神出鬼沒囉~~~Appear out of no where!!!
Exactly ...
Always appear out of no where ....
That's why you are a Ghost -
woody 發表於 2013-9-10 10:13
我估係因為話我神出鬼沒囉~~~Appear out of no where!!!
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-10 10:11
Ghost?? 點解我變左隻鬼???
中譯:衰鬼? -
Ghost?? 點解我變左隻鬼???
woody 發表於 2013-9-10 09:15
QB 身材好,文筆也非常好呢~~ 支持好文章~~!
Thanks woody -
QB 身材好,文筆也非常好呢~~ 支持好文章~~!