(四) 又到聖誕... Fa lalalalA. Lalalala.....
其實睇真d你既皮膚真係幾滑wor... When I look at you closely during shower , wah. Quite a doll geh. 沖完個靚靚涼之後, 去個廳坐下先⋯Kingston bb 又要走嚕. 灰姑男... 好繼續玩遊戲先... 今次玩國王遊戲. 見到Ronnie坐左係到,去抽下油先嘿嘿嘿...成日著住件Hoodie 我真係有d心動想脫落梨架!!!! Grrr
好, I pair up with Ronnie , Venus n阿斯 , Alvin with Candy bb. Let's start the game. From dry hump, to kissing to finally Alvin receiving the special treatment from Sam gor haha..... Candy 都食埋! It was a lovely scene...
唔經唔覺.... D 女女又要走了Shiba Venus and Candy 同dr 一起走曬...... 呢一刻有d怕怕架! 得翻我係廳, CC 係房... Then comes SamL. With his usual look, 我被左d說話佢聽嘿嘿。。「你好次好耐都未被Mail 我la wor!!!」
好見到有個air bed 係到, 個頭又痛痛地....訓下先。Ronnie bb 見到我自己係個air bed 到就過梨陪我啦.. At the same time The chipmunk 又想食野過梨hug 下我. 我知我好好欖haha... 等我又襯呢個機會抽下Ronnie d 肌肉先...哇∼真係好硬好實啊... Yes Ronnie , laying on your shoulders is really comfortable. 見你lift up ur arms and place ur head on ur palms 嗰一下....我忍唔住要摸下你隻老鼠仔啊.............. 正!嘿嘿.... 呢一刻 dr 回來了. 我都知你唔捨得我地架啦!!!! 突然之間瘦瘦版既聖誕老人無啦啦係我腳到sneak in the blanket. 好. 都係廳到好耐啦. 係時候做下d運動. Time to go inside the room wz the Santa clause. Then zero bb joined us in bed.... Then Alvin ... 死啦.... 一對三唔係啊FA.... 見到CC...我叫救命...... 但係佢見到呢個牆面都怕怕啦!!!!!
哎呀...當時I was blindfolded... 都唔知邊個打邊個....正係知到SamL 係下面好勤力咁... Heeee
samL 你份Mail 都好正下wor. 我都好享受嗰一刻! Alvin the chipmunk 你都好aggressive 下wor... 見到啊 Ronnie 坐係到我都有d心動啊.... 好等我請你食下野先...... At times I could hear Sam gor voice floating around ... 耶∼邊一個係到push 我穴位啊...係按摩緊定係玩緊我啊!!!!原來係Sam gor 係到搞搞鎮!!!!!!指咩交通姐! Next time I will tie u up!!!!!!! 戰爭完... 玩完... 食完... 兩位哥哥仔去clean up. 我同samL係床到訓下先。the boys 淋走之前I Received a Goodbye kiss. Continue resting.
After shower I went to bed Lu. 交啊SamL to you CC. Heeeeee I'm sure you guys had a nice evening ! 一訓就訓到天光嚕.....
但係一起身嗰肚唔聽話.......stomach ache.... Aiya. CC left early . So did wing bb.
I thought I was dreaming when I felt Sam gor sitting next to me as I was sleeping . Clumsy Sam係時候走啦. After a quick nap with samL by my side ... 佢都走埋... Hence I continue sleeping until Dr came....
Word of Advice to the boys...
Sometimes you just need to be more confident and 熱情d ... Dun be shy hehe .
We girls don't bite if in doubt, ask Dr for help ! Haha -
QueenB 發表於 2014-1-3 02:39
Hugs . Sure no problemo !
HAHA 你咁易信男人? 通常D 男人抱下抱下就會.... -
brother 發表於 2014-1-2 23:36
i will try my best
at least i will ask u for hug hug
Hugs . Sure no problemo ! -
QueenB 發表於 2014-1-2 01:13
Take it one step at a time
i will try my best
at least i will ask u for hug hug -
brother 發表於 2014-1-2 00:05
QueenB 勁詳細的報告
我都要努力試下主動D 熱情D ...
Take it one step at a time -
QueenB 勁詳細的報告
我都要努力試下主動D 熱情D 先得 -
C.C. 發表於 2013-12-27 00:16
Next time lor baby
Promise ! -
QueenB 發表於 2013-12-27 00:08
I was shivering that night lol
Next time lor baby -
C.C. 發表於 2013-12-26 23:38
Come come, come to me laI was shivering that night lol
QueenB 發表於 2013-12-26 23:36
CC next time I want to snuggle in bed with you
Come come, come to me la -
C.C. 發表於 2013-12-26 23:33
Try try try my best to la
CC next time I want to snuggle in bed with you -
QueenB 發表於 2013-12-26 20:53
Next time u better not leave me
Try try try my best to la -
Shiba 發表於 2013-12-26 21:18
QB....your advise to guys is good....
True ... 太過熱情又會嚇走你添 -
本帖最後由 Shiba 於 2013-12-26 21:19 編輯
QB....your advise to guys is good....
小小熱好啦!如果唔係我會閃嫁 -
C.C. 發表於 2013-12-26 20:23
Aiya, 唔好意思。cc對唔太熟既男生係會有d怕怕嫁,所以逃走左。
好似下午咁,全部都熟會好d, 下次我試下救 ...
Next time u better not leave me -
Aiya, 唔好意思。cc對唔太熟既男生係會有d怕怕嫁,所以逃走左。
好似下午咁,全部都熟會好d, 下次我試下救你啦。