SmellyJJ 發表於 2012-4-1 20:14
i hope next time i will be able to see your happy smiling face lano more 愁 la heeheee
係你眼中只有Mary所以見唔到我笑姐你見唔見到kky話見到我笑得好開心呀∼∼∼ -
support hayley~~大家一齊為減肥而努力
希望dicky呢個教練無教錯我地 -
Support Hayley report∼ 難得見到你,點知... [你講大話!], [你講大話!]
我真係無講大話 nei ...真係無諗住既,只係天意安排唓
(好似男人出去滾完,被人發現之後搵既不成理由既藉口,哎∼ )
其實,坐响你對面,見住 Dicky 同你講野,令到你開心甘笑.
你既笑,其實好好睇;亦幾欣賞呢位人兄真有 D 法子∼ -
i hope next time i will be able to see your happy smiling face la
no more 愁 la heeheee
食唔飽﹐SamL真係要檢討下!!! 嘿嘿.......