隔了兩個月 再次參加SBC 清明大party !!
數張熟識的面孔 數張陌生的面孔 一間精心裝式的房間 加上一個有高尚情躁的酒肉和尚
便成就了這個大型活動暨SamL farewell party
好開心可以見番Mary 可惜自已壯態欠佳 未能令Honey Mary 盡興
全晚大部份時間都係同Mary 依偎纏棉 小鳥依人天南地北 無所不談
Alvin 比比 Hayley 虎兄 kky Zero...etc 同你地 吹下水 食下野 真係好開心
最尾在大床 臭JJ三生有幸 左擁麥提沙 右抱Honey Mary (師兄們請勿妒忌 or 羨慕)
多謝Dr 教識我 foreplay technique !! 最後重發現麥提沙的弱點 next time 會重點進攻 ~
BTW, 麥提沙's body figure is very very very good ! slim & firm
玩到三點幾同Dr Hayley 吹左陣水...then headed home with tired body and exhausted mind !!
SamL ...all the best and bon voyage !
the below part is dedicated to my beloved Mary....
first of all, a whole-heartedly thanks from the bottom of my heart !!
In the past couple months... I really forgot the feeling of being hug... thanks for giving me back this feeling !!
This song perhaps can depict my psychological status at this moment
Love you all
多謝Dr 教識我 foreplay technique !! 最後重發現麥提沙的弱點 next time 會重點進攻 ~
唔好話教﹐互相交換心得啫!!你仲發現左麥堤莎既弱點?? 新既定已知既弱點先??
本帖最後由 samL 於 2012-4-2 11:43 編輯
........吾怪得下半場少左女啦, 原來你一攬二. 真係葡萄死我啦~
出前一丁 發表於 2012-4-1 17:14
support JJ report...
好像在你們在食飯前的首戰曾問過我加入與否(不知你是不是認真還是開玩笑的), 但這一 ...
of cuz you are welcome to join us next time la !more ppl more fun ma haha
kky 發表於 2012-4-1 18:48
opps....nothing offensive la, but do apprecirate your 'sharing'
so nice to find love, care and ...
thx KKY for your gret understandingyes agree that SBC is not only sex...!! SBC is a place for us to get away from all shxt in the reality !! love sbc
SmellyJJ 發表於 2012-4-1 13:29
haahaa~ don't INCH me laMary 好好攬 下次share Mary 比你囉 haahaa lollovely2012 發表於 2012-4-1 16:01
haha, kky
I don't realize we had given others that feeling~!opps....nothing offensive la, but do apprecirate your 'sharing'
so nice to find love, care and friendship here, other than sex these are the things make SBC special o~ -
support JJ report...
好像在你們在食飯前的首戰曾問過我加入與否(不知你是不是認真還是開玩笑的), 但這一問對新人的我太突然了, 反應不過來, 希望下次有機會加入 -
kky 發表於 2012-4-1 11:09
support J 師兄 report∼
你同 Mary 好weet 甘坐响 sofa 傾計,我地直頭好似去左你地屋開 party 甘 ...
haha, kky
I don't realize we had given others that feeling~! -
Kiss for my sweetie~
Don't worried about your perfomance cause I care more about the atmosphere and spiritual communication with you.
Actually I am tired too and just want to hug you instead of repeating the exercise.Thanks for sharing the song of Chet Lam, makes me to cherish the memorable night ~
你地成晚都咁癡纏~ 羨煞旁人>______<
support JJ
Hayley 發表於 2012-4-1 13:42
haa haa ~ i wish Mary is really mine hahaaif i really privatized Mary, yea of cuz I will share Mary with you haahaa no worry...i like sharing
SmellyJJ 發表於 2012-4-1 13:29
haahaa~ don't INCH me laMary 好好攬 下次share Mary 比你囉 haahaa lol
原來Mary真係你的,係你大方share俾我地 -
kky 發表於 2012-4-1 11:09
support J 師兄 report∼
你同 Mary 好weet 甘坐响 sofa 傾計,我地直頭好似去左你地屋開 party 甘 ...
haahaa~ don't INCH me laMary 好好攬 下次share Mary 比你囉 haahaa lol
火麒麒 發表於 2012-4-1 07:02
haahaa ~ no la~ i wish i can stay up whole night longbut afterall i am erectless in seatlle lol hahah
support J 師兄 report∼
你同 Mary 好weet 甘坐响 sofa 傾計,我地直頭好似去左你地屋開 party 甘 -