衷心跟 Dawn 說句...
Jerry 發表於 2018-2-7 21:59
老師話寫作要分段 -
chanel 發表於 2018-2-7 22:46
我要爆喇....石 -
leslie 發表於 2018-2-7 22:05
佢個肚都好唔舒服wor甘 -
Sometimes we have troubleSometimes we have doubt
Sometimes we have frustration
Sometimes we have disappointment
Sometimes we feel lonely
Sometimes we feel exhausted
But do look up high
There's sometimes a blue sky
There's sometimes a rainbow smiling
Sit back and relax
Make a wish upon a star up high in the starry sky
Give a hug to your family and your friends
And I wish you wake up with a smile
- 送給曾皺眉的你你你你你你你
Let's have some music tonight baby -
Jerry 發表於 2018-2-7 21:59
因為佢有大便時寫作既習慣。 -
C.C. 躺在身前,合上眼溫柔嬌媚,實在是美唔做打女一樣得
今翅樣樣都試左少少下次要玩耐 d
定係要玩新 d
記得要較定鬧鐘呀 baby :3
有咁而發...有 d 人就話要 share bed 有 d 人話想玩調教...
我想試下 classical bg music...
原來有三師兄真係有菜,厲害 -
本帖最後由 woody 於 2018-2-7 21:07 編輯
原來 Amy 咁玩得但係又咁曳,點解既原來 Leslie 咁鍾意突"破"自己,點解既
原來 Priscilla 都好有忍耐力,Good girl