同你share bed好好玩∼好有反應∼害羞再加上欲求不滿的感覺∼好正∼
kw958 發表於 2018-8-30 23:11
我老啦,令你攰既原因可能係要你扶我出入。。。。。。。間房 ...
係因為要擔擔抬抬你.........好busy loooooo -
Dr. 發表於 2018-8-30 10:53
黎多左架喇.......... -
Phoebe 發表於 2018-8-29 15:23
Thankssss QB!
Hahahaha trying so hard to be wild
我都explore 緊 到底咩先岩我 嘻嘻
黎多d你就會自自然然變得更勇於接受新事物! -
Phoebe 發表於 2018-8-29 15:32
我斷斷續續寫左幾日架 呢次太多畫面縈繞係腦海 先咁有衝動想記低佢
哈哈 會有分加咁得意架
就係多畫面先代表你玩得開心嘛!SBC 本來就係咁! -
so details and so 畫面
Dr. 發表於 2018-8-28 23:05
你寫呢篇動後時,有無回味返當晚既刺激呢?呢d就係寫同睇動後既樂趣,希望你以後都可以邊寫邊興奮!睇 ...
我斷斷續續寫左幾日架 呢次太多畫面縈繞係腦海 先咁有衝動想記低佢
哈哈 會有分加咁得意架 -
kw958 發表於 2018-8-28 22:48
如果你係到 一定會再攰D
我又諗番起果次你同寶寶兩個一齊叫左我入房....... -
QueenB 發表於 2018-8-28 18:36
Phoebe you are an adorable gal. I am happy you’re enjoying yourself and opening up yourself more in ...
Thankssss QB!
Hahahaha trying so hard to be wild
我都explore 緊 到底咩先岩我 嘻嘻 -
Phoebe you are an adorable gal. I am happy you’re enjoying yourself and opening up yourself more into new experience.
This is what the club is for, for you to face your desires and enhance your experience.
I’m glad you’re having fun.
More to comePlay hard and play harder
Ps. 害羞Play doesn’t suit you! Go wild dear haha.
Cava and I always welcome you to join us for 3P ga -
[Dr: 因為你用左口字邊個"既"字,所以食晒d字!]