自加入 sbc 後,halloween 就成為了一個特別節日。
誤信庸醫,人性本貪,小財唔出大財唔入,於是重本出擊,可謂石頭出血,真金白銀買左一堆 halloween 服飾。但當我見到 qb、woody同souki 既造型,我就知一切已成泡影,付豬流水。
結果其他會員報告已載,在此不贅。但有關奬品一事,必須嚴正向 dr 提出 ... 查詢(註:查詢呢兩隻字係係我盡力控制自己內心既郁悶下,經過一翻掙扎先寫得出既),究竟,D果味 condom 大係邊方面而得以稱之為”大獎”呢 ...
托生日之星之福,有幸一嘗黑加侖子味精美蛋糕,希望食左唔會變黑加侖子... 係咪同星座個D有關?兩位生日之星都咁白滑,好令人羨慕。祝 sally n chanel 一世白滑,明艷照人 ...
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本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 02:25 移動
dawn 發表於 2017-11-23 22:21
english version:halloween has become a very special festival since i joined sbc
Thanks Dawn!
Time to work on the next costume! -
dawn 發表於 2017-11-23 22:26
若這一束吊燈傾瀉下來 或者我已不會存在
即使你不愛 亦不需要分開
你其實知唔知明年今日講咩架? -
dawn 發表於 2017-11-23 22:23
of course !!!my thoughts are complicated n the stupid translation programme is definitely not ...
Complicated, yes. But other than that..........送八個字俾你-------「詞不達意,九唔搭八」!
dawn 發表於 2017-11-23 22:15
我比返一打果味condom 你係咪可以換個日本 trip?
果味dom對我無咩用喎! -
kw958 發表於 2017-11-16 23:55
若這一束吊燈傾瀉下來 或者我已不會存在
即使你不愛 亦不需要分開若這一刻我竟嚴重癡呆 根本不需要被愛
永遠在床上發夢 餘生都不會再悲哀人總需要勇敢生存 我還是重新許願
例如學會 承受失戀明年今日 別要再失眠 床褥都改變 如果有幸會面
或在同伴新婚的盛宴 惶惑地等待你出現明年今日 未見你一年 誰捨得改變 離開你六十年
但願能認得出你的子女 臨別亦聽得到你講再見在有生的瞬間能遇到你 竟花光所有運氣
到這日才發現 曾呼吸過空氣Sent from my iPhone
Dr. 發表於 2017-11-16 17:02
Google translate can't help this time? Nevermind, I don't understand neither!
of course !!!my thoughts are complicated n the stupid translation programme is definitely not smart enough to read my words ...
Cavalino 發表於 2017-11-16 16:45
english version:halloween has become a very special festival since i joined sbc
misplacing my trust to a quack doctor becoz being greedy is just human nature
no free lunch, no easy money, no fortune without hard effort
spent on the costume, it's like the stone is bleeding, which means, in chinese, a person who is so mean with his money suddenly willing to spend a fortune on sth
but when i saw qb woody n souki, i knew my dream of winning the "fortune" gone with the smoke, melt into the air...
i am kind n honest
that's y i never thought of giving both votes to myself
being a glorious loser is better than being a undeserved winnerother members have already reported the results... not going to be repetitive
nevertheless, in respect of the prizes, i really have to make a serious ... enquiry to dr (note: "enquiry" is the word i could only think of having controlled the emotions hard)... what n in which aspect made the condoms so big to be a big prize???
the bday stars are so adorable... so jealous of their silk like skin... the blackcurrant cake tasted so gd n fresh
but hope i won't become a pair of blackcurrantswish the bday stars always adorable n pretty
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kky 發表於 2017-11-16 00:51
你套 pumkin 泡泡衫 及 police 閃燈我好欣賞架~
haha... police 閃燈... 形容得幾好喎⋯⋯唔洗等 halloween 都機會再扮鬼扮馬既
Dr. 發表於 2017-11-15 23:58
所謂大獎,當然係眾興家抱得美人歸既同時,可以有個味道好kawaii既dom dom黎溫馨溫馨啦,咁都唔係大獎,唔 ...
我比返一打果味condom 你係咪可以換個日本 trip? -
Cavalino 發表於 2017-11-16 16:45
Google translate can't help this time? Nevermind, I don't understand neither! -
你套 pumkin 泡泡衫 及 police 閃燈我好欣賞架~
其實一大班人好認真甘去打扮去玩好開心~希望明年 hallowin 都見到你
所謂大獎,當然係眾興家抱得美人歸既同時,可以有個味道好kawaii既dom dom黎溫馨溫馨啦,咁都唔係大獎,唔通同我去日本旅行先叫大獎咩?!