j by _
QueenB 發表於 2017-10-20 14:35
You know me sosososo well~ queen -
Mandy 發表於 2017-10-21 00:43
介紹番,佢係QueenB Translate∼
專業翻譯火星文,居家旅行必備 -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-20 16:33
Good interpretation! (What I really mean is good effort......)
介紹番,佢係QueenB Translate∼ -
QueenB 發表於 2017-10-20 14:35
叻叻 -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-20 16:33
Good interpretation! (What I really mean is good effort......)
Great effort I will say! There was no way I could get this report without QB help -
QueenB 發表於 2017-10-20 14:35
Good interpretation! (What I really mean is good effort......) -
Story goes like this :@{PJj). = At the venue today, I was planning to have a Threesome , let's just call it PJj. This threesome involves 3 people. P= Pretty me Chanel+ One with a big J + One with a small J
IAY|JW = Aiya. Didn't realise there's so many people today. I got split people into two groups. First is IAY = I Am Yours. All these members who deserve my attention, yes, lemme name a few. My partner C.C , oh baby how I miss you. QB! Miss our painting the wall sessions hhaha. BOSS. Coming here only because of ur birthday- OLDCAKE. Second group is JW=. Mainly the "women" who needs to feed on all the J's at the party.
PL@xyX =. Time to play hard and play harder. This is a Sex club after all. Let's all xyX with each other. Yumyum hah
C=. Too bad C C and I need to leave early tonight. No play just blow..........,,water that is
njC=. What in the earth does this mean? Well. There is No J for C= Chanel.
bsrBoss=. Your frustration is towards Boss= Dr. Yes I understand. It's really Bull Shit and Rage . I have nothing but rage for you tonight.RIP
dawn 發表於 2017-10-20 11:56
你估個 subject 有無亂碼?如無... j by 即咩呀?
J by "_"後面個underscore先係重點,請fill in the blank!
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-20 11:25
你估個 subject 有無亂碼?如無... j by 即咩呀? -
我睇到個 boss字... 加埋D公仔, 唔通篇嘢係鬧 boss ?
唔好勞氣 唔好勞氣