Dr. 發表於 2017-7-27 15:31
下次記得唔好唔小心 disclose 日期啦!!
收到!除左唔好打錯字 更重要係唔好打錯野
在學習中 -
見到有話我fit,真開心我要fit d,fit d, 再fit d~~~~
woody 發表於 2017-7-27 16:28
我以為咁細心tim∼∼ -
welcome welcome, 估唔到你識打咁多中文...
Dr. 發表於 2017-7-27 15:33
你睇唔到 "original" version 啫!
至醒係你 -
woody 發表於 2017-7-27 14:56
原來個 profile pic 唔一樣又識得寫「o個晚」,高大又聰明真係無得頂~ see you soon
你睇唔到 "original" version 啫! -
外有內涵 發表於 2017-7-27 15:04
係wor, 係過晚 haha.今早係公司鬼鬼鼠鼠打 原來打錯幾個字
下次記得唔好唔小心 disclose 日期啦!! -
woody 發表於 2017-7-27 15:05
No, I mean you haven't disclosed the date.
意!咁我真係要多謝Dr.喇 !Hahahahahaha!
外有內涵 發表於 2017-7-27 15:04
係wor, 係過晚 haha.今早係公司鬼鬼鼠鼠打 原來打錯幾個字
No, I mean you haven't disclosed the date. -
woody 發表於 2017-7-27 14:56
原來個 profile pic 唔一樣又識得寫「o個晚」,高大又聰明真係無得頂~ see you soon
係wor, 係過晚 haha.今早係公司鬼鬼鼠鼠打 原來打錯幾個字
終於認識,久仰大名geh Woody 師兄
原來個 profile pic 唔一樣
又識得寫「o個晚」,高大又聰明真係無得頂~ see you soon
歡迎繼續提供體驗式學習!! -
darkandstormy 發表於 2017-7-27 12:44
Thank you all for welcoming me to SBC! Finaly I figure out how to use this site.....
D&S (now it sounds more like a brand name), hope you had a great time. Language is never a barrier. Body gesture says it all. The only word you love to hear is "moan"! -
Good to see you blend in so well as a newbie.
QueenB 發表於 2017-7-27 12:47
For some reason I have you as a western guy but you just wrote an entire Chinese paragraph ...
I'm living in the world of google translate. not sure what is happening! Nice to meet you QueenB -
darkandstormy 發表於 2017-7-27 12:44
Thank you all for welcoming me to SBC! Finaly I figure out how to use this site.....
You can start your own report thread here at the memoir of parties sectionLook for the Blue icon "發帖"
If you don't understand ask Dr for assistanceAnyways
Welcome to SBC
Looking forward to reading your report -
外有內涵 發表於 2017-7-27 12:42
For some reason I have you as a western guy but you just wrote an entire Chinese paragraph haha
Welcome to SBC -
外有內涵 發表於 2017-7-27 12:42
首先祝Mimi生日快樂!琴晚geh第一次參加SBC真係令我念念不忘 多謝Dr. geh安排,初初勁緊張然後返現大家 ...
Thank you all for welcoming me to SBC! Finaly I figure out how to use this site..... -
Repeat (Deleted)