多謝Dr. geh安排,初初勁緊張然後返現大家都好nice,好friendly. 好似一班好熟geh朋友咁係到玩,覺得好特別。
中段太心急拉左Mimi入房,唔好意思希望冇嚇親你。你body真係好正,皮膚好滑,搞到我係咁渣你不同位置再次唔好意思 可能太rough。經歷好爽,需然有旁觀者有d唔慣。
Phoebe, 後尾跟左你入房。感覺到經驗豐富好友有endurance, 好鍾意你又“唉”又叫曬出來! 繼續繼續 哈哈。
C.C 不好意思, 我太多手係咁摸你摸到你走過刻都重摸緊。你body真係勁fit!! 真係引唔住手 哈哈。Too bad 唔夠時間 好期待下次再相遇。Also your underwear 好靚啊 好適合你!
再次多謝大家geh包容,係呢到學到好多野。期待下次再參與 !
本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 02:13 移動
darkandstormy 發表於 2017-7-27 12:44
Thank you all for welcoming me to SBC! Finaly I figure out how to use this site.....
Happy to see yr thread~ Welcome to join SBC family, hope to chat more next time -
原來係你~ 歡迎加入,今次無太多機會傾下,下次再見~
外有內涵 發表於 2017-7-27 15:04
係wor, 係過晚 haha.今早係公司鬼鬼鼠鼠打 原來打錯幾個字
Since when did he become a popular candidate ? Hahaha
點久仰大名法先? -
darkandstormy 發表於 2017-7-27 12:50
I'm living in the world of google translate. not sure what is happening! Nice to meet you QueenB
It'll be a good start if you write a memoir -
Dr. 發表於 2017-7-27 15:31
下次記得唔好唔小心 disclose 日期啦!!
收到!除左唔好打錯字 更重要係唔好打錯野
在學習中 -
見到有話我fit,真開心我要fit d,fit d, 再fit d~~~~
woody 發表於 2017-7-27 16:28
我以為咁細心tim∼∼ -
welcome welcome, 估唔到你識打咁多中文...
Dr. 發表於 2017-7-27 15:33
你睇唔到 "original" version 啫!
至醒係你 -
woody 發表於 2017-7-27 14:56
原來個 profile pic 唔一樣又識得寫「o個晚」,高大又聰明真係無得頂~ see you soon
你睇唔到 "original" version 啫! -
外有內涵 發表於 2017-7-27 15:04
係wor, 係過晚 haha.今早係公司鬼鬼鼠鼠打 原來打錯幾個字
下次記得唔好唔小心 disclose 日期啦!! -
woody 發表於 2017-7-27 15:05
No, I mean you haven't disclosed the date.
意!咁我真係要多謝Dr.喇 !Hahahahahaha!
外有內涵 發表於 2017-7-27 15:04
係wor, 係過晚 haha.今早係公司鬼鬼鼠鼠打 原來打錯幾個字
No, I mean you haven't disclosed the date. -
woody 發表於 2017-7-27 14:56
原來個 profile pic 唔一樣又識得寫「o個晚」,高大又聰明真係無得頂~ see you soon
係wor, 係過晚 haha.今早係公司鬼鬼鼠鼠打 原來打錯幾個字
終於認識,久仰大名geh Woody 師兄
原來個 profile pic 唔一樣
又識得寫「o個晚」,高大又聰明真係無得頂~ see you soon
歡迎繼續提供體驗式學習!! -
darkandstormy 發表於 2017-7-27 12:44
Thank you all for welcoming me to SBC! Finaly I figure out how to use this site.....
D&S (now it sounds more like a brand name), hope you had a great time. Language is never a barrier. Body gesture says it all. The only word you love to hear is "moan"! -
Good to see you blend in so well as a newbie.
QueenB 發表於 2017-7-27 12:47
For some reason I have you as a western guy but you just wrote an entire Chinese paragraph ...
I'm living in the world of google translate. not sure what is happening! Nice to meet you QueenB