Priscilla 發表於 2016-8-29 23:38
嘩 孺子可教 lol haha
你既呢,懶鬼? -
QueenB 發表於 2016-8-29 18:56
eeeee Generation gap la... Old cake
My dick doesn't fit in that gap, dear! -
嘩 孺子可教 lol haha
Dr. 發表於 2016-8-29 18:42
This is just a "classic" song, 王力宏版本 is not old. Don't be stupid.There are only dry gaps, ...
eeeee Generation gap la... Old cake -
QueenB 發表於 2016-8-29 14:23
Generation gap
No wonder
This is just a "classic" song, 王力宏版本 is not old. Don't be stupid.There are only dry gaps, moisted gaps or wet gaps!
ulrich 發表於 2016-8-29 13:17
it is a mandarin song called "龍的傳人"... DR 只係引入其中入便歌詞. 係DR 咁有輩份既先識....
Generation gap
No wonder -
QueenB 發表於 2016-8-29 12:31
I don't get what 窿哥means
it is a mandarin song called "龍的傳人"... DR 只係引入其中入便歌詞. 係DR 咁有輩份既先識.... -
Dr. 發表於 2016-8-28 15:41
睇完個甜古,不禁令我想起呢句歌詞「豬窿豬窿Lee叉o靚Yen,容容yuen yuen屎窿Da腸Yen」不如今日起我叫 ...
I don't get what 窿哥means -
Dr. 發表於 2016-8-28 15:41
睇完個甜古,不禁令我想起呢句歌詞「豬窿豬窿Lee叉o靚Yen,容容yuen yuen屎窿Da腸Yen」不如今日起我叫 ...
豬窿哥好嘢!!!! -
dawn 發表於 2016-8-28 15:56
crazy .... 咩詞嚟架?完全唔明既 ...
"窿的傳淫" -
C.C. 發表於 2016-8-28 23:39
你咁閃出黎,我駁唔到你ga wor....
咁⋯⋯⋯⋯我肯定我寫唔到woody咁精彩囉⋯ ...
你我相隔多麼遠.....哪年哪天可相見?我會不定時突然閃出黎,等大家覺得我無離開過! -
Dr. 發表於 2016-8-28 23:25
你咁閃出黎,我駁唔到你ga wor....
我唔識字架∼你地唔好恰我呀 -
C.C. 發表於 2016-8-28 22:55
你要鼓勵下佢先至得既! -
dawn 發表於 2016-8-28 15:56
crazy .... 咩詞嚟架?完全唔明既 ...
你又無豬窿,你梗係唔知啦! -
woody 發表於 2016-8-27 12:04
希望唔會搞到 QB 太面紅
我都係覺得QB會寫得好過你 -
Dr. 發表於 2016-8-28 15:41
睇完個甜古,不禁令我想起呢句歌詞「豬窿豬窿Lee叉o靚Yen,容容yuen yuen屎窿Da腸Yen」不如今日起我叫 ...
crazy .... 咩詞嚟架?完全唔明既 ... -
睇完個甜古,不禁令我想起呢句歌詞「豬窿豬窿Lee叉o靚Yen,容容yuen yuen屎窿Da腸Yen」
woody 發表於 2016-8-27 12:04
希望唔會搞到 QB 太面紅
Thinking back to that time when we were cuddling on the sofa in the living room...
It felt like the world was behind us, eye to eye, with so much sound surrounding us, I found our peace, our moment, our us
This is not just a report. This is a beautiful masterpiece you've written Woody. When I saw it this morning, I was overwhelmed by all the Chinese (maybe this was meant to be read by others , or maybe you needed to express it in Chinese), either way, I took a moment and read each and single Chinese character and really digest this writing. You are absolutely correct , there is no wonderful sex if there's no communication nor connection (this is what we call chemistry). You may say it's fate, or by luck that you can find such chemistry. It may be selfish for me , for us, to have this connection, but i hope everyone enjoyed reading his writing as much as I did. This is what it's all about right ? To enjoy sex, to explore , to have fun n with an added bonus of a connection with othersThank you for Sharing with all of us.
QB -
希望唔會搞到 QB 太面紅
跟著,SamL 大哥和 C.C. 來到,我和 QB 就出廳繼續卿卿我我,旁若無kush, emma, 圓圓。到四處無人,房間空著,我和 QB 繼續我們的性愛之旅...這次單刀直入好了,因為即使跟 QB 吻著,互相撫摸著,已能令我感到興奮,她巧妙的手,總能令我隨時進入狀態...
輪到我在上,她在下,我的慾火未被撲滅,心中又急又熱烈,「啊~」,非常緊緻的感覺,是剛才脹脹的陰道還未放鬆嗎?我很慢很慢的進入,直至我整個又脹又硬被 QB 完全接收,「ahhhhh so deep~~~ 」,我停下來,讓她感受我的巨龍,也讓我自己好好感受她熱烈的包圍和歡迎,哪種火盪的熱力,由我倆的下體,連綿不斷的傳上來,好美妙~
當我開始抽插的時候,清楚感覺到她的陰部和陰唇已經脹脹隆起,又濕又有彈性的碰撞,令到她不斷的在呻吟,只是簡單的抽插,即使沒有大動作的時候,我也急速喘氣,這是興奮到極點的反應,是由整條陰莖充滿快感的反應... 這時,我挺起我的腰肢,拉著她的手,誓要將我的巨龍,向她的陰部頂得更盡更入,她呀呀的大叫呻吟,我看到她極端興奮的表情,然後我提起她的腿,用我身體緊緊壓下抽插,我感覺到她下體腰肢不由自主的顫動,一下接住一下,QB 緊閉雙眼,張開著口的呻吟,我知道她開始來了... 我又停下,又再瘋狂抽插,她就顫抖得更厲害...
其實看著當下如此興奮的反應,我也很難按捺自己,最後QB 說了句「You can cum now...」,我就如接指令,將萬千軍隊,從巨龍口中送出!
Among all these, we actually had spent much time chatting and getting to know more about each other. There's no wonderful sex when there's no communication, both sensually and mentally, and the connection within. I really like every moment that we had. I cherish every encounter that we had. You know and I know.
Love you all,