Maybe it’s an awkward moment, maybe I had pushed others away and grabbed you in. But I won’t let this chance slip.
With a glimpse of light from the window, you were sharing your stories and thoughts while leaning against the pillow. I was listening. I was learning about you.
My fingers were running through your legs, your fingers. I wantto run for more, only if the mood is right. Another form of communicating in my dictionary. Not mouth and ears as you’re used to, the sensory in the fingertips, the skin, the lips, they talk and you know they can talk.
It’s nice to know your preference, and I will let you take the lead. Give me a hint if you want to. I just wanna say I am always in the mood for you.
W.本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 00:50 移動
woody 發表於 2015-7-5 08:50
哈哈哈哈哈,鬼叫你係Woody咩! -
kky 發表於 2015-7-4 09:20
…………好明顯拒係策略錯晒喇 QueenB睇開英文,拒又留中文……我睇開中文,拒就偏偏留英文… ...
讀者們的要求好高啊~~~~ -
kky 發表於 2015-7-4 09:20
…………好明顯拒係策略錯晒喇 QueenB睇開英文,拒又留中文……我睇開中文,拒就偏偏留英文… ...
好明顯佢專登架啦!哈哈哈哈哈.....難於啟齒既(怕醜個d)佢會寫英文,熟左唔再怕醜既佢就寫中文! -
Dr. 發表於 2015-7-3 17:36
I wonder why both QueenB and KKY haven't left any msg to your reports.
…………好明顯拒係策略錯晒喇 QueenB睇開英文,拒又留中文……我睇開中文,拒就偏偏留英文……
………… 仲要話諗左幾日 -
I wonder why both QueenB and KKY haven't left any msg to your reports.
support support ~~
taylor 發表於 2015-7-2 11:19
Hmm... Yummy~ -
woody 發表於 2015-7-2 11:18
Thanks man. Thanks for your advice.You wore or she?
男戴... -
taylor 發表於 2015-7-2 11:08
Woody,Wear a eyeshade. It works...
Thanks man. Thanks for your advice.You wore or she?
However, I think I will go for the hard way. I want more and want to try, whatever it takes.
本帖最後由 taylor 於 2015-7-2 11:10 編輯
Wear a eyeshade. It works...