Too much to write about, but I want to have it direct and simple
所以我又翻看我的經歷一次,很好玩: ... &extra=page%3D3 ... &extra=page%3D3 ... &extra=page%3D6 ... &extra=page%3D1I still remember the first time I met you. You were late, and brought a bag of McDonald’s, probably you hadn’t had your dinner, right? Your hair was tied up, and you’re wearing black T-shirt and blue shorts. We were having a game or something and you were having your dinner and watching us. We hadn’t had a chance to talk until the second time we met. You said you love to write and don’t talk much in real life. But I don’t find much difference about you from my impression. The forum one and the real one are both carrying a sweet and witty smile haha.
I know you haven’t been stopped thinking all along. But it didn’t bother me because I’ve already had you in my arms. What’s better that? What’s better than I could run my fingers through your hair, to every part of your soft skin? I am not sure if you know I couldn’t help but kept kissing you haha. I am more thrilled than I could describe. I used to have lots of thoughts or concerns all the time, or still do. But now I choose to live in the moment. The sweetness in the moment I were kissing you, hugging you, was taken 100%, in my heart, in my mind. 100%, no less. I hope you had your moment too. I hope you enjoy the moment and had fun. That’s why we are here and that’s why we can’t take our hands off each other, right? I am really really looking forward to seeing you again, no matter how many coughs you have. Because your smile melts me (and the germs) 100%, no less.
而妳呢,我第一次就可以第一次的見到妳,哪次感覺有點願望成真咁,因為呢,其實我在論壇上得知妳唔多時候出席,但妳係我最想最想見到,最想認識嘅一位。我讀過了妳所有的記載,我喜歡妳是個豐富情感嘅女孩子,哪管有的只是一個印象。我記得第一次見妳,妳穿著黑色的上衣,披著灰色的外套,我覺得真人比文字中的妳來得更親切可愛,我還記得我倆簡單的打過招呼(噢,之後換過了黑色連身裙,很好看)(ok, Dr, I know I should say it right then and in person :-p)。大家逐個逐個跟妳談天,而我是等著個機會,想不到這一等是要花個兩年。
而且無玩我都寫報告,and I’m glad that I did. It’s fun to look back sometimes. 下次跟我一起寫個有玩的。
Love you all,
W本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 00:48 移動
woody 發表於 2015-6-22 12:54
嘩,收左張支票先!hahaha see you then~! -
woody 發表於 2015-6-22 08:53
Hahaha my head is still spinning too. I don't know how to pick up my words. It's funny, and silly. ...I wonder what you have got to say to me,Maybe next time when you see me you can say it all. But then again, I'm afraid to see you ,, because I know for a fact
If I did, I will not think straight and LIVE at that moment.It's funny how attraction can be so powerful. Is that what people call "Chemistry?"
If so, then I believe you're the electron , while I'm the proton which means we attract each other in every possible way to create a charge
You're the H and I'm the O in the H2O equation.Oh so lovely, metaphors in life can be so wonderful
Giroro 發表於 2015-6-22 12:41
嘩,收左張支票先!hahaha see you then~! -
woody 發表於 2015-6-22 11:41
你黎既,我一定會到 -
taylor 發表於 2015-6-22 11:47
你比我既感覺係一位有魅力既男士, 希望日後可以吹下水...
你比我既感覺係一位有魅力既男士, 希望日後可以吹下水... -
Giroro 發表於 2015-6-22 11:22
要黎多幾多次先見到妳呢?定係要去邊度儲印花至得架~~ -
woody 發表於 2015-6-22 07:13
我都話我係有啲遲頓架啦!妳又唔信~ 要誇誇張,大大力至得架嘛~~ wakaka
哈哈, 無問題...咁我下次狠狠地打你啦.......... -
本帖最後由 woody 於 2015-6-22 09:02 編輯
QueenB 發表於 2015-6-21 19:22
We are both artists. Words speak more than action (well sometimes it's the other way around). I lo ...
Hahaha my head is still spinning too. I don't know how to pick up my words. It's funny, and silly.Know what? I've read this reply for a thousand times but haven't really looked into the sentences at first. I was rocketed to the sky already when knowing it's from you.
I am still trying to weave my response in my mind. There're too many things I want to say which make me speechless. Hahaha.
I think it's silly more.
C.C. 發表於 2015-6-22 01:24
我都話我係有啲遲頓架啦!妳又唔信~ 要誇誇張,大大力至得架嘛~~ wakaka -
woody 發表於 2015-6-21 12:25
Oh~ 等我下次feel 吓妳嘅愛先 wakaka
搞錯呀∼而家都仲未feel到 -
We are both artists. Words speak more than action (well sometimes it's the other way around). I love your words. I love how you express yourself.
Living the moment, yes, I totally understand what you mean. Life is unfair at times eh? You don't always get what you want at the right time.
I have been rewinding back to that moment again and again and again in my head. It's funny eh? How someone can leave such a strong impression in your mind , but that person, you in fact don't really know much about in real. You feel very close at heart , but as well feel very distant. Hence living the moment is better right ? Not to think too much about the consequences , the after effect, just LIVE in the moment. I know.
I have been living THAT moment in my head ever since.I want to say something but am too afraid to say.
So I'll just leave it at thatThanks W
Dr. 發表於 2015-6-21 16:14
想冧死人咩,Woody?!一味淨係識揾我黎過橋,仲要爭住舉手黎解釋咩叫掛鼓,下次 ...
「邊個要(我) 解釋掛鼓?」個問題好明顯係陷阱喇!
Shiba 發表於 2015-6-21 11:02
我知, 係冇著衫 -
Shiba 發表於 2015-6-21 11:11
係真唔係呀?! -
C.C. 發表於 2015-6-21 12:04
Oh~ 等我下次feel 吓妳嘅愛先 wakaka -
Shiba 發表於 2015-6-21 11:11