講返俾人既印象,外表、談吐、性格、動靜其實都係給予其他人印象既要素,第一次黎Party其實有D似第一次同一班新相識既朋友去happy hour差唔多,唔同既,只不過我地呢度都有個共同喜好"enjoy sex"。不過大前題係,到底你想同對方攪野既同時,對方想唔想同你攪,就係咁簡單。
When she is not ready, be patient. Just do something else to ease the insecurity in her. Find a conversation you may have started in the forum, play some games, tell some jokes.....typical kind of things that ease the tension.
But if she is uneasy being with you, then try social with the others, not gals but the guys. Find out from them if the gal does or does not want to be approached by you. Isn't that easy? Who do you go? People who are familiar with the gals, like me for example!!!
Grab a hold of me and ask me directly! There is no shame for asking. I got rejected at times. Everyone has the right to say no. It may because of wrong timing, wrong environment, wrong people, who knows. But no matter what the reason is, you shouldn't have hard feeling. 否則呢個世界咁多女人,如果其中有1% say no,咪有排唔開心?? Move on, and don't keep the F word in your mind all the time. You've got to show your charm to get it!!! That's my two cents, not just for Kobe but for all the others.
So have fun by letting out your charm!! -
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