HAPPY 之 甜絲絲的哈囉喂
@sirius 臨別聞綠豆,有意思有意思
@happy 好在有最後個一錫,否則捱唔到下次見你。
@warren 係要更早
@happy 下次我都早d黎先得
@kccheung 總有一天!加油呀!
@happy 呢兩個字唔知放低咗幾耐啦,希望嚟緊可以喺SBC揾番呢個感覺
@soler 都係果句,我做人既主旨是:盡興️
@happy 從妳動後感覺到,短短日子,在SBC已經充實到爆燈
@max hahaha 你同我講,話我反黎啦,我真心覺得自己已經歸位了️ 多謝你 我都回味中
@happy 見到你身體同狀態都已經恢復番晒,我都放心啲!當晚嘅情景仲回味當中
@happy 有你成日都記掛住我, 心都甜哂~
BB~ 小雲好掛住你 -
@jacobs 咁麻煩你舔乾淨點
@happy yesyes 無澱粉質蛋糕
#放上@happy 體盛
#整個吃掉 -
@happy 我是怎麼嚇死你的嗎
@happy the best rhythm i ever hear in your heartbeat🥰 across the universe
#It calls me on and on across the universe -
@jacobs Keto ?!, Can't wait!!!
@jacobs You could hear the universe from my heartbeat ️️️️
@happy 下次買keto蛋糕俾你,等你食得更開懷不用擔心至肥
Jacobs要再進修下 (下次唔止兩下,要全中) -
@goodman2020 see you!!!!