學人出個 Part I 待續先
dr 生日快樂,快D快D快D中六合彩頭獎呀!
happy bday to marc too... noted u have the same bday wish as dr... i am sure your wish will come true real soon w all our blessings, cheers!!!最近有D運滯,應該嚟下呢D人多活動,沖喜下。呢晚好多好多人呀⋯⋯十分之熱鬧,有唔識既新人、唔識既舊人、我識佢唔識我既舊人,仲有惺惺相識既人,但無論係咩都好,既然茫茫人海係呢度遇到既,都算係... 緣份掛... 雖然我很兇,但其實我很善良架。
welcome elmo n cavalino ... pretty n handsome newbies ... hope u both enjoyed the first party n will have more n more , many many memorable moments n parties w us ...
我遇見誰 會有怎樣的對白
我等的人 他在多遠的未來
我聽見風 來自地鐵和人海
我排著隊 拿著愛的號碼牌我往前飛 飛過一片時間海
我看著路 夢的入口有點窄
我遇見你 是最美麗的意外場地唔錯,有D民宿 feel ,仲有部古老測謊機,唔知大家有無試試。如果同 leslie n woody 玩,一定好搞笑...
最近好自閉,其實市場上係咪出左部傳說中既無聲脂肪轉移槍而我唔知?點解個個都瘦左又 fit 左咁多既?我都要努力... 我唔會放棄自己個 body 架!
突然覺得,天生我才必有用,我無嘢叻,一定係未發掘到,要開發先。我都好想好似衰老豆咁,有D嘢叻,可以賴內斂咁係 kky 面前 show off 下。
本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 02:22 移動
Cavalino 發表於 2017-11-9 11:36
Yes "add oil" is a genewral term you can use in every language, as my Canto... Well, I guess I wil ...
female teachers are usually strict ... u have to get prepared for the punishment if u don't learn hard n well -
Dr. 發表於 2017-11-9 00:28
Dr. 發表於 2017-11-9 00:23
話明學人出個 part 1 待續,呢度不嬲都待到天荒地老架啦,你唔係唔知呀? -
dawn 發表於 2017-11-9 00:22
thx kky ...有時我覺得呢度係我既避風塘 ...
甘返多d黎喇,比個腦放鬆下,咩都吾好諗……簡單擁抱一晚~ -
Dr. 發表於 2017-11-9 00:28
我係真心架 -
kw958 發表於 2017-11-9 14:42
三師兄,掛住你吖…… -
dawn 發表於 2017-11-9 00:19
hahaha thx for reading my chinese post add oil n hope u would learn more n more chinese w us .. ...
Yes "add oil" is a genewral term you can use in every language, as my Canto... Well, I guess I will have to stick a little longer with you guys and try to learn more ahahaha. I'm learning best with Female teacher -
dawn 發表於 2017-11-9 00:22
thx kky ...有時我覺得呢度係我既避風塘 ...
Kky係人都話善良架啦,我就話你係鱷魚頭老襯底!成日爆seed個d人! -
dawn 發表於 2017-11-9 00:14
個 pat pat 洗得乾唔乾淨架
乾到爆拆添啦,你個待續待到天方地老! -
kky 發表於 2017-11-8 21:20
thx kky ...有時我覺得呢度係我既避風塘 ...
chanel 發表於 2017-10-28 22:56
其實我都好懷疑,D人明明話我個樣兇,但D同事成日蝦我 ... 今日又比人做出氣袋 -
Cavalino 發表於 2017-10-28 11:00
It was really fun party and look forward for more, thanks for the welcome Dawn and let's rise a glas ...
hahaha thx for reading my chinese post add oil n hope u would learn more n more chinese w us ... cantonese is full of fun... (btw, do u know what it means by add oil?) -
woody 發表於 2017-10-28 09:09
咁你個個係咩形象呢?唔通係 ... -
kw958 發表於 2017-10-28 00:50
衰女包,其實你都好叻呀,只係你自己唔覺,同埋你都唔肥,邊有脂肪,有都係個胸度啦。。。。。傻瓜。。( ̄ ...
hahahaha ... 你教 kky 洗菜個時一D都唔內歛羅,成個鼎爺咁招積 -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-27 20:12
久違了的動後感........好期待呀!等我洗定Pat Pat睇下教主今期有乜發人深省既偉論先!
個 pat pat 洗得乾唔乾淨架 -
開心一點吧 -
QueenB 發表於 2017-10-28 20:16
Isn't it raise a glass ?lol
Yea yea smarty pant... Clearly walking and typing is too much for me... Raise a glass... -
Cavalino 發表於 2017-10-28 11:00
It was really fun party and look forward for more, thanks for the welcome Dawn and let's rise a glas ...
Isn't it raise a glass ?lol -
It was really fun party and look forward for more, thanks for the welcome Dawn and let's rise a glass next time! or 2...