拜拜 Woody 2.0
Dr. 發表於 2016-2-1 13:17
本身都有機會架嘛,俾你加一句,依家我直接去做小強喇! -
Emma 發表於 2016-2-1 12:20
Take your time ~跟住個flow就會揾到
錯過左就下次,反正明天又係一條好漢{: ...
你依家係咪正式邀請Woody呀? -
將軍 發表於 2016-1-31 23:17
對住妳我幾時幾刻都反應唔到,除左... -
C.C. 發表於 2016-1-29 23:09
多謝妳 -
QueenB 發表於 2016-1-29 22:33
Woody 2.0
I hope this upgraded version cleans out all the minor bug fixes.
Without failure, there ...
On second thought, there's not much difference in 3.0 after all wakakakakaka -
Dr. 發表於 2016-1-29 17:53
最佳方案係無方案,當要響輕鬆既時候準備咁多方案,後備方案,後後備方案,甚至後後後備方案,聽見都已經好 ...
Playfully relax 唔係都係個方案咩 -
ulrich 發表於 2016-1-29 13:45
期待與男神2.1 or above version ....
咁咪要俾你單撈? -
kush 發表於 2016-1-29 13:17
男神2.0S, 為何這麼感性?
hahaha 每個月都有幾日特別感性 -
Emma 發表於 2016-1-29 13:16
期待woody 2.0S or 3.0 咪暴珍天物,你話架麻,不似預期有surprise lor
surprise 通常都係瀨野多.... kakakaka -
niccolo 發表於 2016-1-29 13:15
upgrade係好事!!! 但請問2.0多左咩function??
通常未去到 6 ,之前個D 都係 bug fix 架啦 -
你有哂方案我又覺得唔好玩 -
學行都唔知要跌幾多次先行得穩啦...我覺得, 有好多野可以問既....係活動正正就有好多人可以分享....
relax......期待upgrade版既你.... -
Woody 2.0
I hope this upgraded version cleans out all the minor bug fixes.
Without failure, there will be no success.
Without upgrade, there will be no improvements.
Looking forward to what's in store in the Woody Company -
最佳方案係無方案,當要響輕鬆既時候準備咁多方案,後備方案,後後備方案,甚至後後後備方案,聽見都已經好攰,仲點輕鬆呢?Woody 2.0 需要既係嘗試應付更多 ad-hoc situations,let "be playful" be a part of the upgrade package! 其實,技巧只係bonus,每個人都各自有自己既買點。
期待與男神2.1 or above version ....
男神2.0S, 為何這麼感性?
upgrade係好事!!! 但請問2.0多左咩function??