woody 發表於 2016-3-23 13:49
More or less the same~~ But cant sleep any longer....Hope I didnt pass my germs to you.....
I won't mind having your germs
Gives me another excuse to not go to workTake care W.
Look forward to my report ... Soon -
將軍 發表於 2016-3-23 14:03
你知就好啦! -
woody 發表於 2016-3-23 13:52
Dr. 搵得我都知你已經「唔係度」lor...
我都就唔響度啦! -
ulrich 發表於 2016-3-23 13:26
辛苦你喇W.... 今次不能為你分擔因為人不在港
Dr. 搵得我都知你已經「唔係度」lor... -
QueenB 發表於 2016-3-23 13:19
Turned me on so much haha.....
More or less the same~~ But cant sleep any longer....Hope I didnt pass my germs to you.....
Emma 發表於 2016-3-23 13:15
辛苦命最佳例子 -
辛苦你喇W.... 今次不能為你分擔因為人不在港
woody 發表於 2016-3-23 13:09
Glad you like it.
Turned me on so much haha.....How are you feeling now my dear
QueenB 發表於 2016-3-23 13:04
Your tactic this time won me over
"Super like "!
Glad you like it. -
Your tactic this time won me over
"Super like "!