Occupying the Rock
QueenB 發表於 2015-1-18 20:37
HahaI hope u didn't get into trouble
Sorry ... I was too excited to spank u .....
QueenB,,,, are you serious?? 下次唔同佢玩? 點解先 -
Shiba 發表於 2015-1-18 18:05
哈哈哈哈…Queen b 好用心寫架…寫多兩隻字啦下次! -
The first "braves" to challenge the rock...support!
QueenB 發表於 2015-1-18 20:37
HahaI hope u didn't get into trouble
Sorry ... I was too excited to spank u .....
下次錫我好啦 -
QueenB 發表於 2015-1-18 20:38
其實我都驚驚地架... But you won't know until u try right ? Hehe
咩都試下,人生無憾,yeah! -
dada 發表於 2015-1-17 09:24
Support QB!! Yeah I'm the first!!!
Shiba n you are so brave....I dared not to try as I'm too small ...
其實我都驚驚地架... But you won't know until u try right ? Hehe -
QueenB 發表於 2015-1-18 20:36
Shower with you ?
Shiba 發表於 2015-1-17 11:47
You and U were my Super pills lolStaying with u too give me power....haha....
I love to s ...
HahaI hope u didn't get into trouble
Sorry ... I was too excited to spank u .....Yeah ... He did ! Evil him 下次唔同佢玩啦
joker21127 發表於 2015-1-17 13:33
My B 下次你要陪我
Shower with you ? -
Dr. 發表於 2015-1-18 15:43
You two were so turned on. I can see the beast in you two! BAM!!!
That's nothing
You haven't seen the real beast just yet
Haha -
Dr. 發表於 2015-1-18 17:05
拿,呢d你就真係要改下啦,呢d無謂吹水帖,以前已經講過免得就免,交流係要有內容嘅,建議你提高一 ...
(等我學佢先) -
flashman168 發表於 2015-1-18 16:53
拿,呢d你就真係要改下啦,呢d無謂吹水帖,以前已經講過免得就免,交流係要有內容嘅,建議你提高一下溝通技巧,在公在私對你都係好事。 -
You two were so turned on. I can see the beast in you two! BAM!!!
My B 下次你要陪我
You and U were my Super pills lolStaying with u too give me power....haha....
I love to shower with u too....Hey! Queen....my pat pat 仲有你個紅掌印
又話跳舞既..... -
Support QB!! Yeah I'm the first!!!
Shiba n you are so brave....I dared not to try as I'm too small n he looks so giant!