首先祝 Dr. 生日快樂兼脫離「男仔」行列,因為 Dr. 話唔同男仔搞生日,佢搞得即係話佢已經唔係男仔,儲夠點數做「男人」,真係呢… 少男情懷總是詩~ wakakaka 我覺得識噴水既蛋糕真係有得諗,會去研究下,第時見到蛋糕「潮吹 +$50」唔好爆我出黎 wakakaka
事業心重嘅我遲上黎,不過都見到你地(妳同妳)仲食緊蟹,真係心都定啲,即刻唔算好遲jack,哈哈哈,唔好等,即係食一隻先,再品嘗一杯 2015 年本地薑泡制既薑茶,Perfect~
同將軍傾左一陣計,之後我先知道邊度唔妥,點解有D 唔順暢,下次話妳知 hahaha
記得妳身上面既哪種熱,哪種肉緊,是一種深刻的感覺,在交換著心跳真的是一種超級美妙的事~ 敏感既心思,敏感既身體… 即使是記得,但是還是帶著點急色,要充實地換取擁緊既感覺,腰間脈搏一下一下的跳動,是真實的感受到,是興奮的感受到… 妳叫我心跳怎能慢下來呢… 只要是聽著妳的呵氣… 妳想說話,說了半句的話,我是知道的,只是我以一下深入來回應… 下次要找個靜點的,對不?
Then, while we were whining there’s no free room, and supposed to catch up at the living room, evils came near with a purpose… doh…
I have to admit that I want to feel your soft and warm lips on me, yes, I love that… and I think you knew it by… bringing me close to the top which I almost… and paused… and brought me up again and again… “oh my god…“ It felt sooooooo good… I wanted you soooo much… but it also felt a kind of ‘lonely’ and ‘empty’, I want you much more… I dunno what I am talking hahaha, every you is you…
With lights off, we moved around the spacious living room with Dr. and Candy moving around us… Exciting? Oh yes, and funny and interesting too… Reminded me the very old times when everyone was on a big bed…
Then we got to the ‘busy’ big room… started to heating up again… hearing the beautiful sound of Candy… feeling the movement of Nic and Sally… my dear… your lips and your tongue were making the moves while your hands caressing every sensitive parts of me… oh my gosh… it felt so wonderful… and you had my ‘first’ time… it’s true… And I want to learn about you too… so just let me next time…
Hmmm... 有 D 野明明地,但都要足夠時日先得...
Thanks everyone,
本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 00:57 移動
將軍 發表於 2015-10-22 23:33
嗰個確實係桃花位黎架,妳千祈咪走開呀 -
woody 發表於 2015-10-22 23:30
哦,原來妳比人佔據左~~ 咁唯有等陣先~ kakaka
我剩係知自己見到d好刺激既野 -
本帖最後由 woody 於 2015-10-22 23:31 編輯
將軍 發表於 2015-10-22 23:26
哦,原來妳比人佔據左~~ 咁唯有等陣先~ kakaka -
woody 發表於 2015-10-22 23:19
唔見左人只因個角落比人佔據左....... -
將軍 發表於 2015-10-22 22:39
梗係唔係啦,成日都見到妳同人傾緊計,一係就唔見左人~ -
woody 發表於 2015-10-22 22:28
我有邊次唔匿理一角,至怕係個角落塞唔落你個人姐 -
將軍 發表於 2015-10-22 18:58
我等妳匿埋一角先話妳知 -
唔好答我唔記得 -
Dr. 發表於 2015-10-22 11:16
Enjoyed watching you and QueenB in action. You have to get used to it with Candy and I on your side. ...
At some point I realized you two were watching us but....So I took it as let go jor la
woody 發表於 2015-10-22 17:14
Hi Killer, 其實我真係好似咸濕 Woody Allen 咁咸又濕, Call me Allen is okay~ wakakaka本帖子中包含更多資源
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Killer_T 發表於 2015-10-22 14:55
浪漫的 woody 兄有D似後生版既 woody allen !
Hi Killer, 其實我真係好似咸濕 Woody Allen 咁咸又濕, Call me Allen is okay~ wakakaka -
woody 發表於 2015-10-22 13:18
I don't think there's much 阻滯. It's a 磨合 process I'd say.The good thing is, I learnt so ...
Distracted and concentrated .. Such an oxymoronI hope we will get there as well...
muah -
浪漫的 woody 兄有D似後生版既 woody allen !
kush 發表於 2015-10-22 14:49
woody兄, 2次見你都係咁忙
woody兄, 2次見你都係咁忙
QueenB 發表於 2015-10-22 12:54
其實我想講, 上次同今次都有D (左制--I dunno the Chinese character)
Last time I wasn't feeling easy
I don't think there's much 阻滯. It's a 磨合 process I'd say.The good thing is, I learnt something more about you each time. I think you need to be distracted while concentrated, at the same time~ hahaha just like me. And I believe we will get there.
其實我想講, 上次同今次都有D (左制--I dunno the Chinese character)
Last time I wasn't feeling easy
This time I cannot fully let goIt kinda frustrates me at times too... So I do what I do best
Please you to a point you cannot hold it anymore
Did I "complete" you?
Did I "finish" you?
Did I do both ?
I remember Dr once asked me this. In this situation I think I've finished you but not necessarily fully completed youI admit I'm a hard bean. Maybe I am still learning about myself , understanding where is my comfort point , where is my "it" point.
I find that I still haven't fully been satisfied to a point I can roll my eyes and feel like I'm on cloud 9Hence , it does frustrate me at times. Always thinking, why are other gals can 潮吹得咁容易,濕得咁容易,而我就咁難?
聽到啊Candy 潮吹時我都好渴望that is me .But,
It was yet another great moment spent with you.
thank you WLove QB
woody 發表於 2015-10-22 12:23
天有眼ma -
pikachu 發表於 2015-10-22 12:19