"Sardine Run" on the 6th Anniversary
"Sardine Run" on the 6th Anniversary
The "sardine run" of SBC occurred on the Sixth Anniversary party when a record number of "sardines" – or more specifically the overwhelming participation of our lovely members – spawned in the pool of the smallest ever 3-bedroom apartment! Their sheer numbers created a feeding frenzy. The "run", containing 14 of individual gorgeous "sardines" – Babe, C.C., Candy, Chanel, Hes, KKY, Mimi, Miu Miu, Pikachu, Shiba, Wing, Yoyo, 麥堤莎 (with a slip-away Giroro) – occurred when the cold wind brought them together into this small apartment.
In terms of biomass, Dr. estimated the "sardine run" could rival East Africa's great wildebeest migration. However, little was known of the phenomenon. It was believed that the temperature had to drop below 14 °C on the party day in order for the "run" to take place.
"Sardines" grouped together when they are threatened. This instinctual behaviour was a defence mechanism, as lone individual was more likely to be "eaten" than large groups.
Sixth Anniversary was largely responsible for rounding up the "sardines" into bait balls. These bait balls produced some 13 pairs of nose-bleeding boobs, 13 suckable juicy lips, 13 pairs of cork-hardened sexy legs, 13 pairs of magical and sensible delicate hands, 13 firm and curvy spankable asses. The bait balls are short lived and seldom last longer than 10 minutes. Once the "sardines" are rounded up, the natural predators – sharks (Taylor, Decomma, Niccolo), game fish (Franky, Viran, Crazy Monkey) and birds (Imouse, Klozero) – took advantage of the opportunity.
The "sardine run" has had significant impact on SBC. The run has become important to the continuing survival of our little backyard and is considered to be one of the main attractions during the winter holiday period. Both local and international predators are attracted to the spectacle and are provided with opportunities to participate in activities such as licking, sucking, digging, drilling, drinking, eating, flirting, showering, swallowing, etc.
SBC facilitates a "Sardine Run Forum" which provides information and details on what happened during the run. Everyone's contribution is necessary and is appreciated.
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QueenB 發表於 2014-12-8 14:45
開心係做架~~口講無用~哈哈哈 -
我諗我係dead fish多啲
Dr. 發表於 2014-12-8 12:25
講啲嚟睇吓 -
Dr. 發表於 2014-12-8 12:25
齊睇冇吃? -
niccolo 發表於 2014-12-8 13:28
等我搵晚夜靜無人, 寫返篇槳糊交代下啦!!個晚真係好開心!!!!
快d講黎聽下啦 -
Dr. 發表於 2014-12-8 12:24
仲以為human sandwich happened that night TimI wonder what happened that night with niccolo eh? Maximum performance ? Lol
Dr. 發表於 2014-12-8 12:56
你都無交代清楚,我見你食同俾你食個D都好飽下喎!!!你太唔盡責!!! 姑負左其他無得食既人既 ...
等我搵晚夜靜無人, 寫返篇槳糊交代下啦!!個晚真係好開心!!!!
niccolo 發表於 2014-12-8 12:48
你都無交代清楚,我見你食同俾你食個D都好飽下喎!!!你太唔盡責!!! 姑負左其他無得食既人既期望!!!
Dr. 發表於 2014-12-8 12:21
對你直頭另眼相看啦!!! 原來你要係咁既環境底下先發揮到你既獸性!!!!
逼逼地都幾開心丫~嘿嘿嘿 -
寶兒 發表於 2014-12-7 18:58
我同你其實都一樣!! -
littleprince 發表於 2014-12-7 21:52
未去到三文治咁激,三文治唔係咁易實現到既!!! -
asd 發表於 2014-12-7 01:37
安排好少少自己既時間啦,鬆D!!! -
niccolo 發表於 2014-12-7 00:25
對你直頭另眼相看啦!!! 原來你要係咁既環境底下先發揮到你既獸性!!!! -
咸濕仔 發表於 2014-12-6 18:32
不嬲都盛架啦!! -
Giroro 發表於 2014-12-6 12:12
你呢條真係走得快,逃過一刧!!! -
imouse 發表於 2014-12-8 10:33
why zero and I are birdS? what does that signifyWe actually get some benefit from ho ...
You two were flying all over the place and attacking sardines!!! -
why zero and I are birdS? what does that signify
We actually get some benefit from hosting a sardine run....the fishes are forced to interact.