Dr. 與Hentai Kamen (一、二)
「Hey pretty, let me know when is the earliest check in time tomorrow…」
「Oh dear, there is a problem Dr……」
「What is it?」
「The apartment was flooded because of the malfunctioning washing machine!」
「Wow, is that serious?」
「There was water all over the place, carpet, sofa, kitchen…anyway, I will arrange another one for you.」
「You must be quite tiring tidy things up then. Great, I will see you then by 11:30am.」失驚無神當日…
「Hey pretty, I am here.」
「Alright Dr., I’ll come get you.」上到單位…
「Anything wrong pretty?」
「Yeah…I just change the code before I come to get you but I can’t open it now…」
「Calm down pretty, I am not in a hurry. Think again if the code has been changed successfully. Try the old one again.」
「No, it doesn’t work…」佢開始”騰雞”…
「My stuffs are also inside the apartment too…oh my, how come it doesn’t work?」
「Don’t panic, there is always a way to open it. Is there any master code or card for emergency?」
「I don’t know, I don’t have it.」
「Call your master and see if there is any.」
「Hold on…」當佢打電話問公乸既時間,佢已經試到個鎖lock死左。
「No, they don’t have anything like that…」
「Shouldn’t this kind of lock has emergency unlocking system?」
「I really don’t know…」
「Alright…stay calm, pretty. Try to call a locksmith for help.」當然,佢好唔好意思,一邊同我講對唔住,一邊搵同事救佢,我反而要安慰返佢轉頭,反鎖左啫,唔駛驚到震晒既。
「Don’t worry, I am not in a rush. So take your time. 」
「Thank you so much…I am really sorry.」我見暫時都幫唔到咩忙,響度反而令佢更不安,我就話去行一陣街等佢好消息。轉眼間,我已經行到身水身汗,原本約左SamL十二點幾,睇怕到時都未有門口入。
「Yes, pretty.」
「I still cannot open the door. You may have to look for a hotel…」我當其時第一個反應係…「Holy shit…what the hell?」
「It will be difficult to make a reservation in such short notice…」
「Hmm…let me help you find one…」我心諗「你唔係認真丫嘛?」
「Can’t the locksmith open the door for you?」
「I called the locksmith but he says the only way to open it is to break in. I don’t know…」
「Hey pretty, you need to calm yourself down a bit. Let me give you a general picture of the current situation. Firstly, your belongings & your ID card are inside the apartment. You need them back, right? Secondly, I would stay in your apartment rather than going to a hotel. And tomorrow or the day after, you may have other guests. That means, you’re gonna have to open the door no matter how, right? Now, the fact is you can’t remember the code and all the locksmiths you called said the same thing, which means you’ve got no other choice. I suggest you to call your superior to see if you guys have a regular handyman or locksmith who can help you break the lock and replace it with a new one.」
「Hmm…let me call them…」
「I am not in a hurry, so take your time. Don’t worry about me, alright? Call me back when it’s done.」見佢驚到叫我去搵酒店都夠膽死,見過下世面既我點會俾佢老點至得架,佢呢D斬腳趾避沙蟲既方法都係想快快手手解決左我呢個問題,但係遇著我,又點會俾佢做呢D白痴既決定呢? 呢類驚青型既人,其實去到呢D位,原則上都會係頭腦一片空白,只要可以俾到正確既分析佢,佢先會好似三朝回魂咁歸位,最好帶埋佢去選擇正確既答案。
「Bad news. 仲未有地方set up,我地meet up左再講啦。」
「Dr., the locksmith says it’s gonna cost $3,600 to break in and re-install the lock…」
「Wow, that’s expensive. Did you call any other for quotation? Anyway, I will come back first, wait there for me.」如是者,我同SamL去到apartment門口,見到佢仲係不停試緊密碼,我就叫SamL幫手搵開鎖師傅問價錢。
「Hey pretty, we’re gonna call some other locksmiths to see if there is any cheaper one. When will your locksmith come over?」
「He can only come as early as 3:30…」
「What? 3:30? We’d better find another one nearby that is cheaper. At least we can break in so you can get your stuffs back. We’ll think about reinstalling the new lock later.」就係咁,俾我地電話搵到個開鎖師傅$550,但佢話要最少一個鐘頭後。大佬呀,咩叫最少一個鐘頭後先? 一個鐘又得、兩三個鐘都得! 為左大家著想,我話…
「SamL,我地出去搵下附近邊度有開鎖師傅 just in case…」
「Ok pretty, we have called a locksmith who will come about an hour. He charges $550 to break in. But we want to see if there is other nearby who can come earlier. So now everything is under control, alright?」佢其實仲好騰雞咁款,可能佢一想到可能要自己賠三千幾蚊就已經神不守舍啦。
「Hey pretty, we’ve found a locksmith nearby who will come over in 15 minutes. He will charge $600. We are now coming back.」
經過千辛萬苦,終於check in到,但係仲要等另一個師傅黎裝返個新鎖,本以為三點半黎整,點知攪到五點幾六點先出現,整完無幾耐已經夠鐘接人。
是日新人比較多,因為積累既新人亦實在為數不少。首先歡迎男新人Andy33,Ivan0704,Jerry同Kaymond;而女新人Suki因為臨時俾無良老細捉左去OT,被迫甩底,而根據Suki報告,佢老細第二日已經遭天譴,真係大快人心! 可惜既係,Suki既缺席,原來令好多人都有D失望。(原來Suki咁快有咁多粉絲!)
好心思細密既Kaymond,好客氣咁買左盒大家都話好好味既蝴蝶酥上黎請大家食,古語有云「禮多人不怪」,唔係話禮物既輕重,而係個份心思,我相信都係好多女仔心目中留下左一個非常唔錯既印象,值得讚揚。唯獨兩種野可以改善下就完美嘞,一) 多D上論壇傾下計,等大家熟悉你多D,咪一味做CD-Rom;二) 下次黎活動,安排好D,等自己有更多寬裕既時間同會員溝通下接觸下。
另一位成熟穩重既Andy33,首先多謝你拔刀相助,因為HIV tests又斷貨,但Andy33二話不說咁幫SBC解決左斷貨問題,thank you very much. 同Kaymond、Jerry一樣,多D上論壇同大家傾下計,唔好太拘謹,自然D,否則令到同你傾計既人都拘謹埋一份。
Welcome you all.
火麒麒 發表於 2013-8-2 16:45
真係辛苦哂Dr.同SAML兄,都話工作人員既 ...
Improving your English is fantastic -
Continue updating please haha
Ummmmm Dr 好正!一直都係我偶像丫
Suki 發表於 2013-8-2 19:16
第一個梗係要俾dr 先啦~
這是當然的,我可以做第二個嗎? -
Kaymond 發表於 2013-8-2 21:37
下次我會安排好d 既
你身形咁好,大把女仔like你啦 -
我外表邊成熟呀,我好後生架咋,哈哈 -
Suki 發表於 2013-8-2 19:16
第一個梗係要俾dr 先啦~
我又要 -
Suki 發表於 2013-8-2 19:16
第一個梗係要俾dr 先啦~
下次我會安排好d 既
唔好浪費一個名額 -
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-2 19:15
吾緊要,下次給每個人一個big kiss la hehe
第一個梗係要俾dr 先啦~ -
Suki 發表於 2013-8-2 19:12
吾緊要,下次給每個人一個big kiss la hehe -
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-2 18:05
anymore? hehe
有。 -
Dr. 發表於 2013-8-2 18:02
Update 多一part先!
anymore? hehe -
Update 多一part先!
dada 發表於 2013-8-2 13:06
here i am!
im back finally
u have no idea how much i Miss u dada sweetheart hehe -
唔好意思呀!Dr.個日最後都走唔到,多謝你無忘記我! -
And then it goes up.... And down..... And up..... And down down down Your effort your input your dedication to the club is impeccable.
QueenB always support mentally n physically
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-2 12:20
dada long time no see la
when u come.back ar??here i am!
im back finally
hahaha -
dada 發表於 2013-8-2 11:38
dr 真係好冷靜!!
dada long time no see la
when u come.back ar??