replying to reports
今早起身, 本來想交report...但係一 click 入黎就已見好多同學交了report....所以我就放棄左寫report 的諗頭, 只是埋頭地reply...
不過係我reply其他同學的report 時, "景"然俾人吹交report.....咁我作為乖乖的風紀, 當然交report la....But my report will be written in English - i hope everyone understands..
Got to the venue after work, bought some food for our fellow classmate and showered. Saw our 班長 was already busy so I didn't want to bother him. Move to another room and saw 校長 and shiba.....shiba explained it very well in her report so I wont reiterate.
Rest.....Had my lesson with C.C. and taylor but suddenly 麥提莎 dropped by with rest of the classmates...obviously being a gentlemen, I took her to shower and the rest was history..
whlie resting....I saw shiba 係到蝦 my buddy, Zero, so I decided to go over to help out...but unfortunately, the mouse didnt go well and was kill in action.
Had a great time playing "King's game" and had a few feels so good to drink again..
Saw my teacher queenB before I left, come earlier next time...
thanks everyone for reading..gtg
imouse 發表於 2013-9-16 09:04
我都好想打你pat pat wor..
野!shiba個patpat無咩肉,會好痛嫁 -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-16 08:59
我都好想打你pat pat呀
我都好想打你pat pat wor.. -
imouse 發表於 2013-9-16 08:49
我都好想打你pat pat呀
心地好就比我打下啦! -
QueenB 發表於 2013-9-16 02:26
This report is much easier to Read LOL.
Yes, next time i will arrive earlier.... i can't believe i ...
thanks queenB...until next time.. -
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-15 12:16
Hea 交報告!
請體諒下我呢個低質中文風纪la... -
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-15 12:16
Hea 交報告!
中文屎ma... -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-15 11:20
衰心地好 -
samL 發表於 2013-9-16 00:09
其實你有冇幫個PATPAT 買保險,
甘打落去. 會爛架
我都覺係時候買 -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-15 11:08
did u see queenB's reply? Pass ah..."easier to read" -
火麒麒 發表於 2013-9-16 02:17
你錯過了。。。本來你作為國王有機會的 -
This report is much easier to Read LOL.
Yes, next time i will arrive earlier.... i can't believe i missed out so many classes!!!! BOOOOOOOOOimouse is so charming as usual. Always smile with his squint eyes HAHA
Ps. 火麒麒 really wanna You ! I think you should fulfil his thirst. As well as my thirst LOL
其實你有冇幫個PATPAT 買保險,
甘打落去. 會爛架 -
woody 發表於 2013-9-15 13:31
同多d我地玩!包你進步好快 -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-15 12:57
所以咪要準備定囉~~~~ -
woody 發表於 2013-9-15 12:52
我已經諗緊有咩好罰,要極變態嘅,wa hor hor ho r!!
你個樣完全令我聯想唔到你可以有幾變態囉 -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-15 11:33
CC你堅錯過 !全日最精彩嫁!下次一定要玩呀!
我已經諗緊有咩好罰,要極變態嘅,wa hor hor ho r!! -
Hea 交報告! -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-15 11:33
CC你堅錯過 !全日最精彩嫁!下次一定要玩呀!