Personal issue - 一向都唔太喜歡Halloween,亦好耐無扮鬼扮馬。
原本以為大家會走驚嚇路線,點知原來個個都咁cute and funny, 搞到我變左恐怖痴線醫生.. thanks @Solofun for the make up. Made my face as bloody as my white (cover half in blood) doctor coat.
一段時間無join 活動,見到好多新舊臉孔。其中@阿妹draw all my attention.. 又點會諗到18歲既佢係可以咁好傾。 好有初戀識女仔既感覺! 飲多幾杯就膽粗粗邀請左佢入房。We had our moments, started gentle and slow. Like the vibe that brings me such enjoyable moments. Hope u enjoy it too! 一齊沖涼再傾多陣 another enjoyable moment - thanks for taking my make up off btw, made my face less bloody.
之後同新朋友@Jimmy 傾左一陣計,a young 20 yo gentleman who’s full of visions ! We have thoughts in common. Keep up and follow where ur heart leads u to! 原來我同年青人都仲可以溝通到
@Chloe, another new face to me, dressed sexy in Chinese traditional mini short skirt… 傾左好耐計,分享左一啲關於body language 既野,希望無悶親你
見到@Austin係sofa 調教緊阿@Rain… 睇到我同Chloe 都有啲心跳加速。借用左Austin 既道具,學佢輕輕拍左Chloe 幾下,除左大脾紅,面都紅埋。之後就同Chloe 入房再研究研究!我都係唔係調教人既材料,不過手指長總算有dd advantage. Wish u enjoyed the play! To serve and being served, just great! like the lemon drink Thx!!
Fun night!
A lot of frds there that I haven’t really had a chance to talk to. Look forward to talking to each and everyone of u guys & ladies soon!