第一次来这种聚会,我是超紧张,也有点尴尬。进去听大家聊了会天,喝了会儿酒,逐渐认识了大家。后来喝的有点多了,本来就听不太懂的聊天好像变成了乱码一样,不过我还是很享受聚会轻松的气氛。 First time at a party like this, so I was super awkward and nervous. After listening to the conversation for a bit and drink, I stared to relax and vibe with the atmosphere. The little bit of conversation did turn into jibberish after I drink a bit too much, but it was really fun vibing with everyone. Blake和solofun:谢谢你们和我聊了那么久,前辈照顾后辈的心意我满满的感觉到了。希望下一次能再见到你们! Kush:thanks for checking in on me so often at the party. I can tell you are really making sure everyone was having a good time at the party, and I really appreciate it. Storm: it was really fun chatting with you, I would love to get to know you better next time. also I still own you a strawberry smoothie. Finally, Tiffany: 那天晚上真的很开心和你在一起,谢谢你的耐心。下次一定要让你满意,不满意不下床 第一次来是有点紧张,下次一定更主动一点,认识大家