woody 發表於 2013-9-26 15:55
I think better not.First, I won't charge you money.
哈哈哈.....咁又係喎!we really can't stop hugging once we stick together! -
arB 發表於 2013-9-26 15:53
Wakakakaka .... May I take the first booking?
I think better not.First, I won't charge you money.
Second, we probably hug for a whole day and I can't make money and go bankrupt....... wahaha
Dr. 發表於 2013-9-26 15:53
B 好乖喎,嘿嘿.....多得你嘅潮吹,證明左張被嘅滲透性嘅咁差,連床槈都濕埋! ...
真係滲透力強勁丫 -
B 好乖喎,嘿嘿.....
woody 發表於 2013-9-26 15:47
It's wonderful to have this magical effect! I should start a clinic and I'm sure it's the easiest ...
Wakakakaka .... May I take the first booking? -
arB 發表於 2013-9-26 15:45
Thx my dearest honey Woody! Feeling better today la, should be the magical effect from your sweet ...
It's wonderful to have this magical effect! I should start a clinic and I'm sure it's the easiest way to make money in the world~!! wakakaka -
本帖最後由 arB 於 2013-9-26 15:49 編輯
C.C. o 2013-9-26 15:36
take care and get well soon.
Thanks with kiss kiss! 今日好好多了 -
woody 發表於 2013-9-26 15:31
Oh sorry to hear that you were sick. Take more rest and hope you'll get well soon.
It's true that h ...
Thx my dearest honey Woody! Feeling better today la, should be the magical effect from your sweet sweet hug -
take care and get well soon. -
Oh sorry to hear that you were sick. Take more rest and hope you'll get well soon.
It's true that here gathers so much fun and lovely people and I also like you being relax and laugh a lot. It's always a joy to stick to you