「鐘聲響起歸家的訊號……」沒錯,sbc is my second home, every time when i am.back it feels like home , 沒有爭鬥,有壓力,沒有煩惱,有負擔,只有美女俊男美食,只有無所不談的話題,只有單純的性愛
time flies and its been two years for me to be a sbc brother , i still remember how my first night went and who was my partner and how did it happened and its always been flashing inside my head ……
anyway enough being sentimental and back to business, first of all welcome kaymond, jerry, alan and ivan. It's my pleasure to be included in your first time experience and really hope to see you all in the future.
CC, even though it was awkward of how we started and the beginning of our journey, which i seriously do not have a clue, but it turned out i can be your 代言人 at the end, i guess the journey was not too bad and not too long for you afterall.
Queen bb finally get to see you and you have such a cute Voice as well as your character and too bad and sorry to put you in an awkward situation which i not intended to but please stay long with us on the bed next time hehe
BB it felt extremely comfortable to hug you for a nap and hope i did not bother you while u sleeping
samL and dr thanks for everything and hopefully one day i can contribute myself more in sbc
at last i will work harder in the gym and so wing cannot diss me all the time arghhhh
bye for now and take care everyone
C.C. 發表於 2013-8-1 23:40
我有哂心理準備,可唔可以先呀! -
Hero仔 發表於 2013-8-1 23:24
學無前後,大家互勉啦! -
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-1 23:17
邊有呀!句句都真架! -
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-1 23:46
俾d時間我先 haha
sure~~ -
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-1 23:35
how can u spank with two thumbs down?
I will spank u with something else -
C.C. 發表於 2013-8-1 23:40
俾d時間我先 haha -
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-1 23:35
甘就做啦,行動最實際嘛 hehe
咁你要有心理準備喇... -
QueenB 發表於 2013-8-1 23:35
Whatever. 2 thumbs down
how can u spank with two thumbs down? -
C.C. 發表於 2013-8-1 22:47
甘就做啦,行動最實際嘛 hehe -
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-1 23:17
OMG!!!! i am losing my focus lol
Whatever. 2 thumbs down -
火麒麒 發表於 2013-8-1 23:14
死啦!zero近排尼到個個都講英文,我讀書成績咁差,又有語文學習障礙,點算呀!唔知返黎要唔要全英對答呢? ...
好明白你既感受,而家先知道英文既重要性 -
QueenB 發表於 2013-8-1 23:11
Double spank!
OMG!!!! i am losing my focus lol -
火麒麒 發表於 2013-8-1 23:14
死啦!zero近排尼到個個都講英文,我讀書成績咁差,又有語文學習障礙,點算呀!唔知返黎要唔要全英對答呢? ...
你係吾係玩野牙? -
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-1 21:20
yes alan woopsy
pls be gentle or else i will scream so hard hehe
Double spank! -
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-1 22:18
都唔知你想我講乜 -
C.C. 發表於 2013-8-1 22:00
不如你直接講我知仲好啦 -
Klozero 發表於 2013-8-1 21:53
等我諗下你有咩唔知先 -
C.C. 發表於 2013-8-1 21:26