火麒麒 發表於 2013-9-16 03:10
Then fai d go sleep la!
tomorrow is another day! -
Shiba 發表於 2013-9-16 03:03
班長班長!Shiba 都好鍾意睇你report呀!
話時話!你真係好靚女喎,你咁靚女,唔知班長又無機會同你私人補習下呢? -
QueenB 發表於 2013-9-16 03:08
Oh wow....
Even later than me.....
Poor you
星期日,公司多野做,要交報告呀! -
火麒麒 發表於 2013-9-16 03:02
Oh wow....
Even later than me.....
Poor you -
班長班長!Shiba 都好鍾意睇你report呀!
原來你一早去左討好老師,抵你做班長呀 -
火麒麒 發表於 2013-9-16 02:50
QB妹,多謝你呀!你真係好可愛,好得人鍾意,好想再見到你呀!Next time Why aren't you asleep!
QueenB 發表於 2013-9-16 02:22
It took me 10 minutes to read your report LOL........
BUT I understood everything !QB妹,多謝你呀!你真係好可愛,好得人鍾意,好想再見到你呀!
It took me 10 minutes to read your report LOL........
BUT I understood everything !Support you ar. I am glad i taught you well. QueenB does not like to leave people hanging.
And again, looking forward to c u again next time
QueenB the english teacher -
小火子長大了, 很好的REPORT,
好鬼鍾意睇你寫既野, 真係好抵死...笑死cc喇...
不過, cc唔係高材生囉.... 有排學呀....你地要教下cc就真~ -
kw958 發表於 2013-9-15 23:03
好一個班長報告, 小麒子長大了!