鹹故: it's MY night : HBD to ME
C.C. 發表於 2017-4-10 11:12
Much better now, thanks dear
QueenB 發表於 2017-4-7 23:14
Thank you CC
U looked unhappy
I hope You feel better now
Much better now, thanks dear -
Dr. 發表於 2017-4-9 16:01
你做野太忙唓……甘我擺定個1蚊响度,排QB後面喇 -
Dr. 發表於 2017-4-9 07:33
Haven't been able to write a reply after reading both part 1 & 2.
How I wish I had such an intrigui ...
There will be a time when I can do all the dirty things I had in mind for you
Enjoy ur trip -
kky 發表於 2017-4-9 11:11
其實我係想大家分享同學習多d啫!包括成日係樽頸位兼退步既我! -
Haven't been able to write a reply after reading both part 1 & 2.
How I wish I had such an intriguing & exciting night with you guys. Now I can only envy you, dare devil QB!
I shall come back soon after my long trip! Keep your evil ideas running. -
woody 發表於 2017-4-8 23:15
Yes likewise.It brought me back a bit of memory when we're cuddling on the sofa bed, hehehe
We should re live that moment again -
Souki 發表於 2017-4-8 18:57
Happy birthday QueenB!!
The cake you fed me was sooooo sweet! Lovely!
Thanks souki!
Next time you feed me ur cake -
dawn 發表於 2017-4-8 00:20
hbd our forever queen enjoy yr trip la...
Thanks Dawn
Busy month of travelling indeed -
QueenB 發表於 2017-4-7 23:15
Thank youuuuuuuu
N I remembered how you came to me and told me how sweet the cake was when I spoo ...
我旁觀都覺得好冧 -
QueenB 發表於 2017-4-7 23:13
It's all good WoodyIt's ur presence that mattered more than anything
N I enjoyed every second ...
Yes likewise.It brought me back a bit of memory when we're cuddling on the sofa bed, hehehe
Happy birthday QueenB!!
The cake you fed me was sooooo sweet! Lovely! -
hbd our forever queen enjoy yr trip la...
將軍 發表於 2017-4-7 22:23
Happy birthday QB
Thank youuuuuuuu
N I remembered how you came to me and told me how sweet the cake was when I spoon fed you hehe -
C.C. 發表於 2017-4-7 10:52
Happy birthday queen
Thank you CC
U looked unhappy
I hope You feel better now -
woody 發表於 2017-4-7 08:08
想講呢... 有樣野... not particular to QueenB or any other female member...但係呢... 有時... 好似 ...
It's all good WoodyIt's ur presence that mattered more than anything
N I enjoyed every second of it -
Happy birthday QB
Happy birthday queen
想講呢... 有樣野... not particular to QueenB or any other female member...
但係呢... 有時... 好似今次都有...
係玩玩下個時,由硬變軟... you know what I mean la...
and for whatever reason, 有時係尷尬既...
但係好多時,其實唔關女方事,或者吸引力既問題,而係有時可能分左心,或者有時太近就黎爆又 hold 一 hold 咁,咁就軟返落黎都控制唔到...
以前我好怕咁既情況,因為會搞到自己越黎越緊張,而有時對方未必高興,或者會處於放棄或者「無癮」既狀態... 咁就其實浪費左一個好時光...
慢慢地發覺,如果自己放鬆到,對方唔 mind 又 playful 呢,take a break, tease 下你 tease 下我咁呢,通常一陣間又可以再上路(除非唔得 XDDD)...
And that's one of the things that I love about QueenB... 就係佢唔會埋怨你軟左,不過又會搞下呢樣,搞下個樣,又玩下其他咁,俾你抖得黎,又唔俾你停落黎... lol