kky 發表於 2017-11-2 23:13
辛苦你,甘快執左d相~再次睇返,LEGO頭真係好正 加埋果兩隻 BETMAN~
咪睇唔起d獎品呀,要用無得用你就知佢重要! -
kky 發表於 2017-11-2 23:13
辛苦你,甘快執左d相~再次睇返,LEGO頭真係好正 加埋果兩隻 BETMAN~
個兩隻叫Spiderman呀,拜託! -
Souki o 2017-11-2 22:26
PI...Hpat patuYh[
S唔S得起其實好睇心情既...... -
再次睇返,LEGO頭真係好正 加埋果兩隻 BETMAN~
至於獎品,好似……又真係…… -
Dr. 發表於 2017-11-2 22:20
同埋...其實比人打pat pat真係痛架 -
Souki o 2017-11-2 22:16
定...........你心底裡想我S你咋? -
Dr. 發表於 2017-11-2 22:14
點解個p字都比人和諧架...... -
Souki 發表於 2017-11-2 22:08
請問我有咩S技巧?點解我自己都唔知既? -
Halloween is actually a theme I love most........not one of the but the only one.
But then, we don't have to wait until Halloween if we want to dress up or cosplay, right? We may just have another cosplay party next month for all we care. LOL.
Someone used annual leave as an excuse to get close to me......................well, to be exact, my luggage! Well, I always welcome helper especially hot babe like KKY. Setting up the venue is easy as compared to the time I did it six years ago. I was then preparing lots of DIY decoration and props for the parties. I was quite into doing all these, helped prepare an environment and atmosphere for themed events. The wow factor was quite something. I don't think I will have the time to do it again. Not to mention we even arranged afternoon parties, aside from the night parties, for those who can only come out in the afternoon! Those were the days......maybe if I win a lottory, that we may have a chance to do afternoons.
It is quite a rush for the Halloween this year as I was quite busy after the last event. But I don't want to skip Halloween again this year. So what the hell, just do it! I won't be able to help arranging costumes this year. So I was hoping members can put effort in preparing themselves.
Woody had been very creative and enlightening at times. He did it again this year with his DIY Lego costume. Even though he didn't win the contest and didn't get the grand prize but it didn't matter, he wasn't gonna use them anyway, LOL.....
I am not gonna write too much this time as I have spent most of my free time editing the photos. So......go check them out!