A lame excuse to see you, you and you (2)
因為知道今次活動有好多野要攪,加上場地係第一次用,有太多不確定因素,作為負責任既我,當然早得就早上去check in,睇下環境先啦嘛。兩點上到去....
「Hmm......hi, are you....? I am the next guest checking in...」
「到底佢係owner定係之前個租客呢?過晒check out時間囉喎....」
「What the f....」
「Hi, I am Xxx. Are you the owner of the place?」
「No, I am one of the guests from last night....」
「We are the new guests checking in.....」佢好似完全無打算離開既意識。咁我同三師兄為左要睇下個廚房有咩爐具同煮食用品,已經唔得閒理佢住,諗住豪多陣俾佢上網,拿拿聲做完佢要做既野,快d同我離開。
「I don't mean to be rude but we have rented the whole apartment, starting 2pm.....」
「Oh.....I have asked the owner and she told me that I can use the common area.」
「What do you mean by common area? We rented the entire place. Are you sure about that? I am pretty sure it must be a big misunderstanding. I don't mind if you need to use the wifi for emergency matters but you need to leave by 4.」
「It is what the owner tells me....」講完一大輪,佢似乎開始意識到我要請佢離開,但佢顯然想拖得一時得一時。環觀個場地,我見到窗口附近有人用衣架掛起左幾件仲未乾既衫。
「Are these yours?」
「......oh, yes......」
「Why don't you use the dryer?」
「The dryer doesn't seem to be working...」我心諗「頂你丫,d衫濕謝謝,你唔係諗住乾左先走嘛?」。見仲有半個鐘先四點,我就做好心幫佢揾把風扇吹住d衫,等佢唔駛濕謝謝放入喼。因為諗到要setup個場地,同轉頭要落樓收大閘蟹,我行返過去飯廳,再同個鬼妹講清楚我需要佢四點離開。跟住佢就開始講佢個身世我聽,什麼千里尋親。
「I am from France originally. I come to Hong Kong to look for my father......blah blah blah....」
哇~~轉左台睇CCTVB個d老土到嘔既電視劇橋段呀?個劇情既複雜程度簡直.....Jesus Christ!
「Hold it right there, I need to go downstairs to get my delivery.」
講下講下,越來越好人到左。我心諗咁落去都唔係辦法,大佬呀,我原本諗住早d check in,早d去準備野架嘛。
「Okay, we are having a private event. You must leave soon. You can come back for your bags later after you find a place to stay....」
「But I have tried for hours and no one seems to understand what is emergency....」總之,佢徬徨到喊埋出黎,唔通人生路不熟,仲趕人出街咩!
「What about calling those charity groups and see if they can help?」
「Okay then, the best I can do now is if you can't really find a place to stay, you come back after 2:30 or 3 and I spare a room for you to stay a night. But that's it. I need to check out tomorrow by noon.」
「I haven't slept the whole night yesterday after the dramatic event, do you think I can sleep in the small room. I promise not to bother you and your friends.....」
「No. I don't think you can stay. You either come back by 3am and get a room for free or you will have to find your own place.」攪左一輪,又乜又物,最後佢至死死地氣咁執野走。
「Try to go to Starbucks, or better yet the 24 hours McDonald's to get wifi....good luck in couchsurfing.」
本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 02:22 移動
leslie 發表於 2017-10-21 23:42
真係唔好望回報,但求心安。 -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-21 21:50
你唔係諗住等QB Translate丫嘛?
QB translate 怪嗎最拿手
等我黎!"agreed, no matter her story is true or not, giving a hand to those who needs is good.
A~"Giving a hand to those in need.
{ohhh. "Q"ueen "h"as "Q"uestion: ""lease "a"sk "L"eslie "o"n "h"ow "lov"ing "a"sshole "o"rgy "I"s "j"uvenile "a"ct | "o"ver and "c"iao ~
"J" -
kky 發表於 2017-10-21 20:25
吾記得 click ”純文本” 添~
你唔係諗住等QB Translate丫嘛? -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-21 17:27
吾記得 click ”純文本” 添~
相信d火星文係正面既…… -
kky 發表於 2017-10-21 15:35
agreed, no matter her story is true or not, giving a hand to those who needs is good.
onη|QHQΡALo ...
你又學Chanel去火星呀? -
agreed, no matter her story is true or not, giving a hand to those who needs is good.
A~ -
woody 發表於 2017-10-21 10:52
Oh wow. Sounds very desparate.Difficult to get a good ending no matter she could find her love ...
As a matter of fact, I do believe her story about finding her father and all. If she made all these efforts just to gain my sympathy, then I will give it to her for her effort. She was quite desperate and vulnerable. -
quinn 發表於 2017-10-21 10:44
如題: lame
Who? What? How? -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-21 10:46
She did. She was back around 3 when I was packaging things up.
Oh wow. Sounds very desparate.Difficult to get a good ending no matter she could find her lover or not..... or, well... her father...
Cavalino 發表於 2017-10-21 09:22
Or I comeback really late... And still can't sleep...
A typical Friday night for me too decades ago. -
Cavalino 發表於 2017-10-21 09:22
Or I comeback really late... And still can't sleep...
I say the first .
You're an early bird ! -
Cavalino 發表於 2017-10-21 07:31
This is a crazy situation... Well done in managing so nicely for everyone.
Google Trnaslate ?
Haha -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-21 10:46
She did. She was back around 3 when I was packaging things up.
I knew she would come back hahaha. -
woody 發表於 2017-10-21 10:40
Guess she didn't come back?
She did. She was back around 3 when I was packaging things up. -
如題: lame
Guess she didn't come back?
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-21 07:57
It's too long to wrire in English, glad you know approximately what happened. Gee.....you are earl ...
Or I comeback really late... And still can't sleep... -
Cavalino 發表於 2017-10-21 07:31
This is a crazy situation... Well done in managing so nicely for everyone.
It's too long to wrire in English, glad you know approximately what happened. Gee.....you are early!Anyway, my game is on. Chat later.
This is a crazy situation... Well done in managing so nicely for everyone.