A lame excuse to see you, you and you (1)
今次有兩個新會員Elmo & Cavalino。一黎到就見到咁多人,唔知有無嚇死佢地。查實平時既活動我一般唔太鍾意多人,一般都係10-20人樓下,人多唔係唔好,不過我怕照顧唔得晒咁多人,真係忙過返工架陰公!難得一年一度既大閘蟹又黎到咯,人多咪人多囉,大家聚下,鍾意黎食既食,吹水既吹水,攪野既攪野,各取所需!地方雖則唔係豪裝,但夠大,尤其是d床!
今次我都好滿足架啦,有一半靚女出席活動 (嗱嗱嗱,你地班男仔唔好呷醋,我冒住丟自己架黎博架,多d靚女出席,你咪一樣Hi Hi!)
C.C., Candy, Chanel, Dawn, Elmo, KKY, Mandy, Mimi, Miu Miu, Priscilla, QueenB, Quinn, Sally, Shiba, Sonia, Souki, Wendy, 圓圓
(希望下年出席既Amy, Angel, Crystal, Dada, Emma, Grace, JoJo, Krissy, Lena, Mary, Oliveria, Pikachu, Phoebe, Sophia, Una, Venus, VenusBB, Wing, Yoyo, 呀喬, 將軍, 龍兒.....你地部份人呀,生活幾愉快都好,要記得留返d時間俾我地同自己呀!)
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Yeah yeah yeah.....what can I say when the wise man wants to see how everybody's doing? It's not that easy to gather so many of you on a workday. So a lame excuse which I "invented" two years ago seems to be working one more time.
For the newbies like Elmo and Cavalino, I never really like a sex party with so many people. I will be extremely busy then......not to play but looking after things here and there. But hey it's the hairy crab season, so what the hell, let's celebrate!
Honestly birthday means nothing to me because I never grow old after 25. I don't celebrate birthday in my "normal" life since after secondary school. But if "celebrating my birthday" can draw most of your attention, wake you up from hibernation, then I wish I had birthdays on every month!
Most of my loved ones were here (guys, don't be jealous, I won't make love to you, will I? But you guys can see the gals!)
C.C., Candy, Chanel, Dawn, Elmo, KKY, Mandy, Mimi, Miu Miu, Priscilla, QueenB, Quinn, Sally, Shiba, Sonia, Souki, Wendy, 圓圓
(Amy, Angel, Crystal, Dada, Emma, Grace, JoJo, Krissy, Lena, Mary, Oliveria, Pikachu, Phoebe, Sophia, Una, Venus, VenusBB, Wing, Yoyo, 呀喬, 將軍, 龍兒.....some of you really need to find time for yourself and for us!)
本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 02:22 移動
samL 發表於 2017-10-20 14:51
好耐冇返泥, 生日快樂,Dr,身體健康,精精日上
你依家有更偉大既使命嘛,keep it up!我地會永遠懷念你架啦~~~~
C.C. 發表於 2017-10-20 14:37
算係點先? -
Cavalino 發表於 2017-10-20 15:07
Ok... So let's not pretend it's the anniversary of your birthday next month! (Yes I'm great at fin ...
I am better, I don't even need an excuse!But don't get the gals drunk!!
QueenB 發表於 2017-10-20 14:20
放到佢水我比個"LIKE" 你哈哈
你D like有咩用喎! -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-20 15:06
Wow~~~~prosecco!But the thing is, pretend doesn't work at SBC!
Ok... So let's not pretend it's the anniversary of your birthday next month! (Yes I'm great at finding excuses to drink!) -
Cavalino 發表於 2017-10-20 14:25
Glad I could be there for you non-birthday celebration! Next month you can pretend it's the real one ...
Wow~~~~prosecco!But the thing is, pretend doesn't work at SBC!
QueenB 發表於 2017-10-20 14:37
You want more proscuito? It will come to you without hesitation mia Cara ReginaB -
好耐冇返泥, 生日快樂,Dr,身體健康,精精日上
生日快樂喇∼ -
Cavalino 發表於 2017-10-20 14:25
Glad I could be there for you non-birthday celebration! Next month you can pretend it's the real one ...
ProseccoCan I request some Proscuitto as well?
Hahaha -
Glad I could be there for you non-birthday celebration! Next month you can pretend it's the real one, none will notice I'm sure! I will bring some Prosecco to make it like a proper party!
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-20 12:07
放到佢水我比個"LIKE" 你哈哈
水汪汪ja? -
woody 發表於 2017-10-20 12:00
就算黎都係為左見你 ja
woody 發表於 2017-10-20 12:00
已經少左起碼五個人啦!簡直好似去左行花市咁,好彩地方夠大! -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-20 11:46
Miss out左咁多人,係咪好後悔呢?
就算黎都係為左見你 ja -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-20 11:46
Miss out左咁多人,係咪好後悔呢?
太多人 -
woody 發表於 2017-10-20 11:27
原來係呢個層面上,我地既智商係一樣 -
woody 發表於 2017-10-20 11:34
Miss out左咁多人,係咪好後悔呢? -
Dr. 發表於 2017-10-20 11:29