[No title]-title
其實今次真係原本無想過會黎因為真係好累好累. 差不多到放工既時候見覺得都還可以,還有精神,所以發了一個短信給老爺告訴他我會黎.到了場地,一開門就見到好耐無見既KKY.無變過都係咁lovely. 放低D野,那那聲去沖翻嗰靚涼先. 一出到黎見到廚房有粽食!真好."knock knock"
是誰呢? 記得系個名單上面見到有幾個名,唔通係U仔?
一開門, 見到原來係你. 估唔到會係你.見唔到你個名所以都有D驚喜! 雖然我表面好想好冷靜好Cool, 但其實心裏我不知幾開心今晚有兩位新人.
Jojo---> 你給我既感覺好溫馨好可愛好甜既一位女子. 但係我估到你應該係一個好Wild, 好咁去嘗試新野既女孩子. Welcome to the club. 見到D男仔圍著你, 有講有笑,相信你會好快融入到我地呢個大家庭. 生日快樂!
肥貓--->一位並不肥既年輕人. 新人黎講, 第一次加入我地呢個大家庭, 你既表演都算唔錯架啦. 希望我地玩遊戲嗰鎮時, 我個頭既位置無令你覺得尷尬啦. 我唔咬架,只會食腸腸嘿嘿
除了呢兩位之外, 都見到Familiar faces.
- Milan ( I secretly believe you are a real doctor ). 2. 樣哀哀 ( for some reason I always find you looking like a monkey ) 3. Candy 4. KKY 5. Miumiu 6. CC 7. Crystal ( whom I haven't seen in a long while as well ) 8. Taylor ( this time a bit more distant than last ) 9. Last but not least Sophie ( is it Sophie or Sophia ? I always get mixed up )
遊戲唔多講啦. 尤其是要我用中文黎解釋. Google translate please ! 等其他會員解釋啦! But I'll say this ....
嗰畫面令我想起 the movie ...[Human centipede] for some odd reasons
當W抱起老爺時,我幾咁妒忌, 幾咁希望W抱既係我而唔係Dr!遊戲完畢! W 成晚都係我附近, 就像一個守護天使咁 . Skin to skin contact can be such a miraculous mechanism. 當你對手 brush through my skin up and down, 我Feel 到全身既Nerve receptors 都啟發了. 雞皮都起了. 對.
不知為什麼, 我特別喜歡人地 brush their fingers up and down my body.The slightest touch is more powerful than the sexual act itself don't you agree ?
入到房時, 一上床就來個懷抱. 當我們兩個眼望眼,我留出一個媚笑. 感覺好好. Literally can't take my eyes off you.
Brushing my fingers on your lips... I unconsciously bite my own. Leaning my head on your shoulders, I felt very relaxed (but coughing of course)."You seem to have lots in your mind (in Chinese)"
I nodded.
Everytime we come to a very passionate , striking moment while kissing , I push back. It's not you, it's me.
I could feel ur hands brushing through my thighs , then up , then down.
"I'm not gonna give in, not gonna give in" I kept saying to myself.
Such a gentleman he is, not going pass the limits , I appreciate your respect,We got company here and there.
Crystal and Fatcat
Then CC and Monkey comes in to chill.
哇!好耐都無見過CC in action. 好期待呢個時刻. Monkey embraces her Vjayjay , so seductive so sexy so HOT. 時時我都會多手, CC 既身型真係好吸引好滑好正! Monkey 應該服侍得佢好好! "Thumbs up !"係時候要走. 今晚真係好開心. 發覺好像有些特破.
Love QB
本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 00:48 移動
肥貓 發表於 2015-6-20 17:20
我絕對無尷尬,反而有d失望! 哈哈~ 講笑
Why ??? -
Shiba 發表於 2015-6-20 16:36
She is our queen~ we know her well~
何況我唔用心睇報告都唔會 ...
Yes you are absolutely right ShibaI've missed you.....
I have so much I want to share with you -
Mandy 發表於 2015-6-20 16:31
Shiba 好衰~ 笑 QueenB 的中文... 妳唔好俾我發現妳打錯字~
It's ok Mandy
I learn from my mistakes -
Shiba 發表於 2015-6-20 15:42
Oh Jesus...
I am so embarrassed lol
I will stick back to my English from now on -
crazy_s_monkey 發表於 2015-6-20 15:36
Why would you say that ?
I mentioned you in my report though -
Milan 發表於 2015-6-20 15:36
Looks good. Feel better than the last time we met. Take more rest and most importantly go bed as ear ...
Thanks Milan:)
See you again next time
I hope you had fun that night with MM -
niccolo 發表於 2015-6-20 15:21
Comes and go comes and go
Now ... Getting worst again yikes -
C.C. 發表於 2015-6-20 23:58
係咩?咁就乖啦! -
Dr. 發表於 2015-6-20 20:32
我咩都見唔到,唔制呀∼ -
Shiba 發表於 2015-6-20 15:43
存在感既野係改變唔到架 -
C.C. 發表於 2015-6-20 19:47
我都好耐無俾你見到! -
Didn't I tell you not to come and should go home and rest? Naughty QueenB!
本帖最後由 Mandy 於 2015-6-20 17:58 編輯
Shiba 發表於 2015-6-20 16:36
She is our queen~ we know her well~
何況我唔用心睇報告都唔會 ...
咁認真o既~ 都唔好玩o既,唔玩啦,拜拜妳條尾~ -
我絕對無尷尬,反而有d失望! 哈哈~ 講笑
Mandy 發表於 2015-6-20 16:31
Shiba 好衰~ 笑 QueenB 的中文... 妳唔好俾我發現妳打錯字~
She is our queen~ we know her well~
悲哀係「哀」呀 -
Shiba 發表於 2015-6-20 15:42
Shiba 好衰~ 笑 QueenB 的中文... 妳唔好俾我發現妳打錯字~