Fly Me to the Moon
本帖最後由 woody 於 2015-10-31 12:58 編輯
I saw you smiled when I stepped inside the house. Hey Wonder Woman.
You lied down and looked relaxed. I could see your lovely face under the outside bright lights. I am glad that I saw your frowning less and less each time.
The kisses were sweet and the warmth expanded from the foreheads to the toes. The sound of deep breaths were so addicting.
My hands were not permitted to go the place they wanted to, but your hands were being naughty all the way. Huh… They should be restricted too… I didn’t want your hands, you knew that. You went down anyway and you knew I couldn’t resist. My disappointing buddy didn’t stay on the same side with me but kept being bloody hard. My man.
Thank you for fulfilling my little desire, for accompanying me in the joyful wonderland. Let’s stick together. A little clumsy at the beginning but it was all heaven at the end. You sit on top and the fast and deep movement of your waist surged me with enormous doses of endorphins. I couldn’t think really and your moans made my heart pound even harder. Oh my.
During the time you leaned back a bit and your stunning body just shined before me. I grabbed your engorged boobs and I hold your hips. I didn’t know what should I do somehow but there’s definitely a hungry desire in me. It felt so good. I hope the time would stop but not you (hahaha).
The little talk and the hugs were also wonderful. The time was short but simple and lovely and warm. I hope you enjoy the time too.
嘢食我會少拎啲,好似次次都好難 Sell…道具唔好要 Dr. 準備埋喇,黎玩要投入啲先好玩,自己準備個過程都係好玩架如果有 theme活動最好可以早啲通知,因為太遲先知有無得出席呢,真係唔知預唔預備好…今次活動嘅地點,真係勾返起晒我嘅回憶,因為我第一次活動就係呢度,好感觸啊~~c.c. :我仲記得嗰次,c.c. 著住嘅校服好貼身,好鬼正~~ 依家可能真係做嘢辛苦,成日都好似好多嘢諗咁嘅…
火麒麒:真係好開心又見返你,你咁照顧第一次黎嘅我,我真係記於心架,不過唔會俾你咀嘅,你唔好諗喇~~ wakakaka
MiuMiu:打我個羅柚係咪指定動作黎架陰公,有無打痛妳者手架? Kakaka
Taylor師傅:見你精神返確係唔同,小心身體啊~ 一陣又唔見影喇 hor hor hor
Candy: 其實妳無阻住嘅~ hahaha
Dawn: 妳好妳好,見到有少少怕羞咁,咁得意嘅 hahaha
Mimi: 每次見妳,都令我印象有啲改變,唔知幾時先有點機緣呢 haha
Kush: 著唔著衫都好鬼有型 jack~~
Mandy: 見妳多返啲笑容又無咁攰,咁就好啦~
Babe: 聽妳講公事,又有另一返味道啵,聯想起一個時代女性強人模樣
Franky: 見你唔多,都有機會咀到你,哈哈哈哈
Monkey: 其實見你好多嘢都要幫手,真係好鬼忙咁,多謝你啊
Haze: 下次唔好約人咪唔使咁早走囉~~
Wong: 多啲上黎傾下計喇!
Shiba: 今次真係覺得妳瘦左好多~~ 好Fit~ hahaha
U: 唔好再叫我師兄啦大師兄!
Killer: 哎呀,無乜機會同你傾下,我覺得你有好多故事聽嘅 jack~~ see you later~~Sally: 走都見到妳
Love you all.
W本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 00:58 移動
woody 發表於 2015-10-31 20:40
我覺得呢個emoji 幾好~~~
耶⋯⋯以為你會Tim -
Killer_T 發表於 2015-10-31 20:19
不過好中意同你玩 game ! 因為會令個 game 變得好玩
呵呵⋯⋯要記住.....「輸霸」只係用黎隱瞞我成日贏既花名 -
Shiba 發表於 2015-10-31 19:42
我覺得呢個emoji 幾好~~~ -
Shiba 發表於 2015-10-31 20:08
不過好中意同你玩 game ! 因為會令個 game 變得好玩 -
Killer_T 發表於 2015-10-31 19:54
薯⋯⋯唔好咁張揚 -
Shiba 發表於 2015-10-31 19:42
淫慾灰姑娘 -
Killer_T 發表於 2015-10-31 18:38
係 woo !! 你話有件仲正個 woo 做咩唔著 ?!
因為你要做灰姑娘 !
人地一向都係灰姑娘黎嫁 -
woody 發表於 2015-10-31 18:24
Aiya~~ 做乜唔著喎~~
下次如果診所開放我就著啦 -
你個 DIY 骷髏骨造型好鬼正呀喂
我覺得返番嚟真係幾開心o既,好有一家人的感覺,好 warm~ 都好多謝你次次都咁有誠意請我地食野呀~
but, 我呢幾日肩頸膊痛,條頸另左另右都痛,痛到我都冇乜心機,連抽個袋都痛...今日去咗 body massage 順便刮沙,痛到hi hi呀~~~~~
Shiba 發表於 2015-10-31 17:38
係 woo !! 你話有件仲正個 woo 做咩唔著 ?!
因為你要做灰姑娘 ! -
woody 發表於 2015-10-31 15:18
因為睇你forum 好似有好多經歷咁呢~~ 同埋同我D 圈子都好唔同~
haha 係呀, 我地搵日坐低飲杯野傾傾 -
Shiba 發表於 2015-10-31 17:38
Aiya~~ 做乜唔著喎~~ -
件衫仲sexy過Dr果件 -
好彩遲到都有得佔5個單字可惜唔夠吸引 引唔返你上去wakakakaka
見你咁快'出' 我又變到好懶唔鬼想打.. -
Dr. 發表於 2015-10-31 13:11
D野食晒喎,咁下次你煮,唔好買啦!活動可以早通知當然好啦,咁要大家(所有男女會員)都合作 ...
睇個勢佢好有將來 -
Killer_T 發表於 2015-10-31 14:32
woody 你個 mask 真係超級正 !
記得自己玩過呢D 3d 紙, 不過用錯紙質攪到痴得好差 ><
睇黎有機會我都整 ...
因為睇你forum 好似有好多經歷咁呢~~ 同埋同我D 圈子都好唔同~ -
woody 你個 mask 真係超級正 !
記得自己玩過呢D 3d 紙, 不過用錯紙質攪到痴得好差 ><
睇黎有機會我都整多D 玩下先~
我地下次傾多D. 但點解我會多故事既 ? -
woody 發表於 2015-10-31 13:16
你知啦,影相唔係個個鐘意架嘛,主動要求我影好d,下次醒目啦! -
Dr. 發表於 2015-10-31 13:14