又到性誕~ 又到性誕~
普天同慶… 性誕節對我毒L嚟講原本都係自己屋企打下J打下機咁渡過。 難得有派對吃喝玩樂,無惡不作既機會再加上有得交換禮物,點可以錯過呢 ??? 所以小弟準備咗兩份小禮物; 一份俾男仕一份啱女仕既。 諗住邊個抽到都啱駛 !!!
一入門口… 有新面孔亦有舊相好!!! Welcome Emma !!! 雖然我好耐無浮面,但佢地都無嫌棄我 (好滾動~~) 但遺憾既係 我竟然唔認得亞Dawn… 我抵死 ~ 罰我自J三十次 !!!
品嚐過由Q餵食既龍蝦沙律同”鞋”到柴皮既火雞,就輪到歡樂抽獎交換禮物環節。大家買既禮物非常有心思。 我抽到M小姐買既U豬豬環保袋 (襯晒我!!!),隻豬cute得嚟又可以袋少少嘢… 正!!! 而F先生就抽到我既環保飛機杯+ XSS 碼TOP KING 泰拳褲。 呢隻飛機杯最特別既係要响飛機上先用得!!! 同埋杯身用咗環保物料,抗含有蛋白質既液體極之有效,希望F先生能夠好好使用。 條褲就用嚟襯返隻杯既...
抽完獎就梗係做返應節既項目!!! 如果今年DSE 題目考手手腳腳既數目,我估我一定要重考 !!! 尤其係8隻手4個波2條腸點解會變成5對手6個波同2條腸??? 我同M 先生諗咗好X耐都諗唔到典解 ??? 所以決定…. 放屁!!! 由四索圖案變二筒,再變四筒,最後變八索。箇中轉變認真複雜!!! 最意想不到係W既深藏TATTOO, 真係大開眼界 !!! 美中不足係個冷氣唔夠勁… 熱到HIHI~~
有幸食到W先生韓式牛肋骨… 堅好食!!! 雖然好唔捨得大家,但屋企燴咗蕃薯要熄火不得不離開~~~
再係度同大家講聲性誕快樂!!! 男既就”袋袋”平安!!! 女既就”身”想事成!!!
PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO 波波!!!本主題由 Dr. 於 2020-8-5 01:19 移動
ulrich 發表於 2015-12-25 11:17
I will try my breast to come more frequently
You better ... Or else
下次唔彩你啦Say goodbye
QueenB 發表於 2015-12-25 00:43
Hope to see you around again UAnd
I will try my breast to come more frequently -
dawn 發表於 2015-12-25 02:47
更遺憾 ge 係,你寸錯我個名,而更更遺憾 ge 係呢個秘密比我知道左... 自 j 三十次加罰抄三千次 =p
mer ...
真係law爆.... 除咗自j罰抄外,再加咗睇住女神AV片唔準打j一星期.....以表誠意! -
Dr. 發表於 2015-12-24 15:23
無被邀請你會 "eat vinegar" ma? Haha -
更遺憾 ge 係,你寸錯我個名,而更更遺憾 ge 係呢個秘密比我知道左... 自 j 三十次加罰抄三千次 =p
merry x'mas n do come more frequently la, u are a funny guy, thx for bringing so much fun to us -
ulrich 發表於 2015-12-25 00:33
Sounds great .... Surprise always comes when partnering with you....Hope to see you around again U
Merry ...
QueenB 發表於 2015-12-24 19:29
下次玩另外一對couple bah
Sounds great .... Surprise always comes when partnering with you.... -
Mandy 發表於 2015-12-24 21:41
U師兄~~ 你要好好對我隻豬呀~~~
你講清楚好啲喎?邊隻豬先? -
U師兄~~ 你要好好對我隻豬呀~~~
ulrich 發表於 2015-12-24 16:33
Ms W's tattoo is awesome. I cannot resist her temptation and Mr M's invitation. The combo was fres ...
下次玩另外一對couple bah
Haha....你話如果你同....W.... 呢個情境會係點啦
QueenB 發表於 2015-12-24 13:45
I had a wonderful night with you. Although I would've preferred a more intimate 1-1 with you , ...
Ms W's tattoo is awesome. I cannot resist her temptation and Mr M's invitation. The combo was fresh and joyful. Look forward to have another counterpart. Always surprise with no planning action.... in SBC only. hahaMerry Christmas My Love!!!
Dr. 發表於 2015-12-24 15:23
屍苦.... 我豈敢呢? 不過張床太細.... -
babe 發表於 2015-12-24 14:27
我唔打人既.... -
Emma 發表於 2015-12-24 13:04
歡迎參戰... WAKAKAKAKA....
ulrich 發表於 2015-12-24 12:58
點解要惡補呢?你想打我大佬? -
I had a wonderful night with you. Although I would've preferred a more intimate 1-1 with you , but holy F, what a combination eh? Never really expected this combination , but very happy to have encountered it. Shower time with a bunch of people is always fun. You scrub me, I scrub you, scrub our abalones , jerk your sausages , so many laughter . I will definitely cherish every moment of that night wit MW+QUWendy's newest tattoo is saooooooo hot and TO THE POINT! . I enjoyed it as much as you did. This is probably not the first one you witness QB FF interaction, hope you enjoyed the show haha. But then again, as I said previously , it would've been better if we also had some 1-1 time.
I am happier indeed. You can tell. You guessed it right.
There is something that is still lacking ... And I'm trying to figure it out because when I do... I think our sex will be just THAT MUCH better
Yours sincerely,,
babe 發表於 2015-12-24 12:11
唔想估啦…下次見到面,再話我知…再跟住…又再跟住............................................重溫一 ...
可止重温⋯⋯直頭要惡補 -
Emma 發表於 2015-12-24 12:49