Time to hand in homework EARLY
本帖最後由 imouse 於 2014-9-12 10:54 編輯
Being the second one to hand in homework, I consider myself early...
Anyways, headed to the venue around the usual time but had to pick up drinks on the way...
After being indoor all day, I didn't realise it was so hot and humid on the street, and by the time I got to the venue, even my balls are sweating...sweet Candy opened the door and Yea! there was the brilliant invention (air conditioning). Anyways, shower afterwards and other members soon arrived one by one. When I saw Shiba, I can see her mild smile she put on her face like this one ....but then the first thing that came out of her mouth was...."what time you have to leave?" and i was like ...early....(damn it, i wish i can stay longer)
Anyways, after we all had our dinner and showered, Shiba and QueenB try to evolutionize the imouse to imouse+ by tying it......well..not going into details but you get the idea with QB's report. We had a great time although it can be better if QueenB would give us, Shiba and I, a detention....
Spent some time with C.C. and was happy to see she has a big smile on her face now...
Last but not least, just for the record, I shiba this time...hahahaha...i look forward to your revenge
By the way, welcome to our family dcomma and wong. Hope you had a great time last night.
imouse 發表於 2014-9-23 11:07
係人都知啦....衰豬.... -
Great report! nice to meet you too. Shiba is very very hot. I'm sure she's feeling better now.
Shiba 發表於 2014-9-17 12:37
....shuuuuuuu... -
Of course U can!
imouse 發表於 2014-9-17 11:50
u know how to use imouse+ ga la...
個開關向隻耳度 -
咸濕仔 發表於 2014-9-16 20:52
Let’s come more!
i wish i can hehehe -
Shiba 發表於 2014-9-15 12:36
Imouse+難試d bor
u know how to use imouse+ ga la... -
imouse 發表於 2014-9-15 10:30
yes...long time no see you too...been away for too long
Let’s come more! -
imouse 發表於 2014-9-15 10:29
.....i want everything!! hehehe..something you never tried too
Imouse+難試d bor -
咸濕仔 發表於 2014-9-12 22:03
Long time no see U!
yes...long time no see you too...been away for too long -
Shiba 發表於 2014-9-12 18:19
.....i want everything!! hehehe..something you never tried too -
taylor 發表於 2014-9-12 17:48
I wish I was there...So miss you guys and girls.
Us tooo....hope to see you soon again -
Great summary. Thanks for your warm welcoming and hope to see you again next time.
Long time no see U!
imouse 發表於 2014-9-12 15:11
i like you more..
睇下你要得幾多 -
I wish I was there...So miss you guys and girls.
Giroro 發表於 2014-9-12 11:55
thanks!! -
C.C. 發表於 2014-9-12 12:37
Well~~~big smile is always attractive, right?
Haha, I'll try to keep it up as well....next time nex ...
of course it is attractive, keep it up and keep in shape too -
babe 發表於 2014-9-12 13:52
Excellent English!!!
hahaha...thats given isn't it?